Tohoku University Exchange Program: DEEP (Direct Enrolment Education Program for Natural Science)

DEEP (Direct Enrolment Education Program for Natural Science) – Spring Semester, 2018 at Tohoku University, Japan.

Special Auditing Student (Undergraduate students)

Students join the regular courses offered in each department or graduate school, where the lectures are mostly given in Japanese.

Special Research Student (Graduates students only)

Students engage in research activities under the supervision of an academic advisor at Tohoku University.

Requirement for Completion

Undergraduate students : 13 credits or more each semester Graduate students : 30 ECTS equivalent credits (750 school hours) or more each semester.

Application procedures

  1. submit all application documents in a blue plastic folder and the soft file in a CD to DITMAWA by 1 November 2017 at the latest
  2. interview session will be conducted whenever necessary and will be announced later
  3. application documents will be submitted to Tohoku University collectively by IPB

Documents required

  1. Statement of purpose
  2. Academic transcript (in English) – can be obtained at Dit. AP
  3. A page that describes the grading scale English – can be obtained at Dit. AP
  4. Letter of Recommendation from each applicant’s advising professor
  5. Certificate of Enrolment – can be obtained at DITMAWA
  6. Certificate of Health
  7. A photocopy of the applicant’s passport identification page
  8. A photograph of the applicant (JPEG file, the aspect ratio must be 3:4)
  9. Application form for JASSO scholarship
  10. A photocopy of certificate of language proficiency (JLPT N1 or equivalent for undergraduate students; JLPT N1, equivalent score in Japanese or score from any English language proficiency test for graduate students)

All required materials can be downloaded in the following link:


Please contact for further inquiries in the following format: DEEP2018-Name-Student ID-Major-Inquiry

or check the Tohoku University official website:

Exchange Programs


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