Tohoku University : Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS)
No. : 73/IT3.20/KM.06/2018 15 Januari 2018
Lamp : 1 lembar
H a l : Informasi Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS)
- Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Fakultas
- Wakil Dekan Sekolah Pascasarjana
- Ketua Departemen
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS) Fall Semester, October 2018 – February 2019 bertempat di Tohoku University, Jepang. Sehubungan hal tersebut, dengan hormat kami mohon bantuan Saudara untuk dapat menginformasikan program tersebut kepada mahasiswa yang berada di unit masing – masing. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat melalui berkas terlampir.
Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih.
Direktur Kemahasiswaan,
Dr. Ir. Sugeng Santoso, M.
Tembusan: NIP. 196403041989031004
- Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kem’aV
- Direktur Kerjasama dan Program Internasional
- Kasubdit Pengembangan Karakter dan Mobilitas Dit. Mawa
“S F V <D<E W T F I 9LS F”
t r u s t , r e s p e c t , r e s p o n s i 6 i I i t y
=COLABS (Cooperative Laboratory Study Program)-Tohoku University, Japan
Fall Semester, October 2018 – February 2019.
Program Overview:
The main purpose of the Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS) is to offer an opportunity for international students from all partner universities throughout the world to take scientific research training in the assigned research laboratory as well as to get basic education courses taught in English at Tohoku University in order to increase their abilities to expand their activity into new science fields, without having to attain the Japanese language proficiency that would be necessary to take the same courses in Japanese.
Eligibility :
Graduate student of IPB
Application procedures :
- submit all application documents in a green plastic folder to DITMAWA and send the soft file to by 12 February 2018 at the latest
- interview session will be conducted whenever necessary and will be announced later
- application documents will be submitted to Tohoku University by IPB
Documents required:
All documents required are listed in
More detailed information’.
Financial support:
This program is operated through an agreement between Tohoku University and the exchange student’s home institution and therefore students are not required to pay tuition fees to Tohoku University. Exchange students, however, are required to be responsible for their personal expenses while studying in Japan including expenditure for housing, meals and transportation. Scholarships are available from the Japanese Government through the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). The JASSO international Student Scholarship for short term study provides an allowance of ¥ 80.000/month (for 6 or 12 months). After a thorough examination of the student applications, Tohoku University will select and recommend applicants for the scholarship to JASSO. Note that as the screening process is becoming more rigorous each year, recommendation through Tohoku University for JASSO does not guarantee that candidates will be granted the scholarship.
If you have further inquiries after reading all information provided in the website, please kindly contact in the following format:
COLABSfall2018-Name-Student ID-Major-lnquiry
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