
2018: Strengthening Rural Extension Services to Facilitate Community towards Sustainable Development Goals in Three Districts in Indonesia #SDGsIPB1 #SDGsIPB2 #SDGsIPB3 #SDGsIPB5 #SDGsIPB6

Rural areas in Indonesia vary in terms of socio-economics and cultural background, the landscape, physical climate, the resources, and the accessibility to extension services. Rural extension services play an important role in facilitating community development from on-farm to off farm activities. Rural extension systems have to address the increased demand for the services and to…

2018: The role of women’s empowerment in agricultural household food and nutrition security in Cianjur, West java – Indonesia #SDGsIPB3 #SDGsIPB5 #SDGsIPB10

The main objective of the research is to explore the role of women farmers’ empowerment status in their household’s food and nutrition security level. The research questions aimed to be answered are in three folds; first is how empowered are the women farmers in the stunting prevalent area? Second, what are the role of the…

Artikel Ilmiah Dosen FEMA, Edisi 26 Maret 2019
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Artikel Ilmiah Dosen FEMA, Edisi 26 Maret 2019

FOOD CONSUMPTION AND IMPROVING IRON DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA AMONG WOMEN WORKERS AT TEA PLANTATION IN PENGALENGAN – BANDUNG https://sipakaril.ipb.ac.id/Files/5a71af9b-75cc-4c05-abc3-d508911c5cd1/paper_5a71af9b-75cc-4c05-abc3-d508911c5cd1.pdf  Penulis IPB : • Prof.Dr.Ir. Faisal Anwar, M.S. (Departemen Gizi Masyarakat) – Urutan 1 • Prof.Dr.Ir. Ali Khomsan, M.S. (Departemen Gizi Masyarakat) – Urutan 2 • Dr.Ir. Hadi Riyadi, M.S. (Departemen Gizi Masyarakat) – Urutan 3 • dr. Karina Rahmadia…

Kerjasama BKKBN dengan FEMA IPB

Kerjasama BKKBN dengan FEMA IPB

Bogor (6/2), Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Ekologi Manusia IPB untuk melakukan kajian perumusan Indikator Pengembangan keluarga. Kajian tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan agar BKKN dengan para akademisi FEMA IPB dapat saling memberikan masukan  sehingga indikator pembangunan keluarga tersebut dapat tersusun. Indeks pembangunan keluarga ini, kedepan akan menjadi yang pertama di…