2018: Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Gizi untuk Tumbuh Kembang Anak “Program Kampung Anak Sejahtera” oleh FOI Bersama Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA) #SDGsIPB1 #SDGsIPB2 #SDGsIPB3

FOI Bersama Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA) memiliki misi untuk memulai program peningkatan gizi anak-anak, ibu hamil dan menyusui dalam program “Kampung Anak Sejahtera” yang akan dilaksanakan di Desa Cibatok Dua, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor. Program yang akan diinisiasi yaitu Program SADARI (Sayap Dari Ibu) berupa kegiatan pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) pada 1000…


2018: Pengembangan Produk Pangan Lokal Untuk Pencegahan Stunting Kegiatan Paket Intervensi Masalah Gizi Dan Penerapan 1000 HPK Di Wilayah Barat Tahun 2018 #SDGsIPB1 #SDGsIPB2 #SDGsIPB3

Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk pangan lokal untuk pencegahan stunting dan melakukan studi efikasi produk pangan tersebut terhadap status gizi ibu hamil dan pertumbuhan janin. ========================================================================================== 2018: Development of Local Food Products for Stunting Prevention Nutrition Problems Intervention Package Activities and Application of 1000 HPK in the Western Region in 2018 # SDGsIPB1 #…


2018: Improving Child Growth and Development through Nutrition and Psychosocial Intervention in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Setting in Rural Area #SDGsIPB2 #SDGsIPB3

Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Indonesia is an educational effort intended to children through stimulation to support children’s growth and development. PAUD is expected to be able to create smart people. Increased intelligence, supported by optimum health and nutrition will improve ability of a child to achieve the best result at school ages. Nutritional problems…

2018: Identification, preferences, and nutritional contribution of traditional food in the consumption pattern of households of farmers and fishermen in Bengkulu #SDGsIPB2 #SDGsIPB 3

The existence of traditional food is getting scarce due to the complexity of the making and that it is only known by certain group of people. Other than that, the main ingredient used in traditional food is very likely determined by the location in which it is found. But then, the tendency of consuming traditional…

2018: Identification of forgotten fringe food for future protein source: A case study in food-insecured area of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta #SDGsIPB2

Mengidentifikasi pangan terlupakan yang berpotensi sebagai sumber protein masa depan, dalam arti lebih adaptif dan ramah lingkungan. ========================================================================================== Identifying forgotten foods that have the potential as a source of protein in the future, in the sense of being more adaptive and environmentally friendly.

2018: INDIGENOUS CROPS – Food Production, Food Safety and Process Development of Indigenous Crops to Strengthen Food and Nutrition Security #SDGsIPB2

Menggali pangan pokok indigenous yg sangat berpotensi untuk dibudidaya dan dikembangkan menjadi produk yang lebih sehat dari sisi kualitas gizi dan efek terhadap kesehatan serta dalam bentuk produk yang lebih mudah diterima masyarakat. ========================================================================================== Exploring indigenous staple foods that have the potential to be cultivated and developed into healthier products in terms of nutritional quality…

2018: Consumer Issues in Indonesia #SGDsIPB12

2018: Consumer Issues in Indonesia #SGDsIPB12

The paper discussed some consumer issues in Indonesia. Consumer issues are problems come up when a consumer buys goods or services or after consuming goods or services. The issues are directly and indirectly having impact on the well-being of consumers. When the consumer issues appeared, consumers are more likely the ones who are more vulnerable…

2018: Enhancing Food Security in Indonesia through Agricultural Training and Extension #SDGsIPB2

2018: Enhancing Food Security in Indonesia through Agricultural Training and Extension #SDGsIPB2

The paper discussed about the importance of Enhancing Food Security in Indonesia through Agricultural Training and Extension. The presenters from other countries also shared their programs of extensions for achieving food security in their countries. The Paper Presented at SEAMEO SEARCA Regional Workshop Enhancing Food Security in Southeast Asia through Extension and Agricultural Advisory Services….