Summer Course FEMA 2020

Faculty of Human Ecology have successfully held Summer Course FEMA on 22nd to 30th November 2020 online. The event dubbed “Learning For Human Development and Natural Resources towards Sustainability: an International Perspective” was participated by 48 students from across Asia and Europe including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia, Singapore, India and Netherlands. The main goal of Summer Course FEMA is to increase students awareness of natural resources and environment sustainability.
Summer Course is one of international student exchange events held by IPB University annually. This year (2020) FEMA was given the chance to host Summer Course via online. FEMA established the main theme “Human Development and Natural Resources” which covered all of the scientific fields in FEMA. The theme then translated and spelled out into 13 units of lesson. Each lesson was taught by expert lecturers from IPB University and leading universities in Asia and America. The classes were also supported by real cases from Gapoktan Mandiri Jaya and Ecovillage Baraya, both are portraits of success in keeping the balance between nature and human needs. The entire course was taught on 22nd to 27th November 2020.
Besides lectures, Faculty of Human Ecology also inserted an international competition in this year’s Summer Course FEMA. The competition consist of poster and video competitions in accordance with the Summer Course main theme. The competitions was held between 28th to 30th November 2020. The students was divided in to 7 groups. Each group then came up with various topics for their projects including modern farming, land grabbing, and many more. The winners of the competitions were announced together with the closing ceremony of Summer Course event.
Even though it was held online, Summer Course FEMA was running nice and smoothly. The participants of Summer Course FEMA both from domestic and foreign countries all felt satisfied and happy with the outlook, material, service, and layout of Summer Course FEMA. FEMA hopes that this Summer Course can support the global citizen’s effort in accomplishing Sustainable Development Goals.