SUMMER COURSE 2020 “Learning for Human Development and Natural Resources Towards Sustainability: an International Perspective”

World’s population is increasing every year. The Social Economic Division PBB reports that in 2050 the world’s population is estimated at 9.8 billion. This increase is directly affect to the needs of clothing, food, shelter, water, energy and air, which are highly dependent on the quality of natural resources. To maintain environmental quality, world leaders have agreed on 17 points of agreement contained in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Faculty of Human Ecology of IPB committed to producing graduates who are active in supporting healthy lifestyles, balanced nutrition management, family resilience, smart consumers, effective communication for community development. To maintain FEMA’s cooperation with international networks and encouraging students’ ability to collaborate, design solutions, convey ideas, and raise awareness for the environment, FEMA holds a summer course with the heading “Learning for Human Development and Natural Resources towards Sustainability: an International Perspective.” The Summer Course material topics are Human Development and Natural Resources which include:

  1.   Challenges for the future (human capital, socio-economic, food, natural resources and environment)
  2. The role of family farming in sustainable production and consumption
  3.   Community initiatives in caring for natural resources & environment (best practices)
  4. International collaborative actions towards the sustainable future

The summer course program also support K-IPB 2020, which is to improve the competencies of students to become graduates who are sensitive to the issues of human capital development and natural resource preservation. To achieve the expected competencies, each participant summer course obliged to follow the theory and practice of learning activities on campus and best practice location of natural resource management. The approach of summer course learning is interactive learning, based on experience and sharpening the ability of participants in problem solving. After attending this summer course , students are expected to be able to:

  1. Explain future challenges related to human capital, natural resource conservation, and opportunities for young people to develop positive efforts to develop the ability of families and communities in the preservation of natural resources and the environment, engage in Challenges for the future (human capital, socio-economic, food, natural resources and environment);
  2. Identifying the role of multi stakeholders in agricultural business and natural resource management to support sustainable production and consumptionrole of family farming in sustainable production and consumption. The;
  3. Formulate alternative solutions or innovations to encourage community initiatives in the maintenance and preservation of natural resources and the environment.

After proceeding, the program will attend to

  1.             Joint research

Observation and data collection in the field can be used as basic data for Indonesian families that can be followed up with further research activities with a larger number of respondents or with different types of families. Besides that, it can also be developed to make instruments / questionnaires for other variables, following the research of theprogram baseline data findings Summer Course

  1.  Joint writing and international publications

There is an agreement to carry out joint researchresearch so thereport is written together (print IPB Press) and the writing of a joint journal to be published later in international journals

  1.  credit transfer

Theprogram Summer Course that is participated by foreign students is as a stimulant to increase inbound studentand it is hoped that foreign students are interested in learning the knowledge of families and their typical Indonesian consumers so theprogram credit transfer can be offered to foreign students.

  1.  Increasing the area of ​​international cooperation

TheProgram Summer Course in 2019 can become a reference for the department to develop international cooperation programs with foreign partner institutions.


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