Passioning the Spirit of Nationalism through Local Food, Prof. Ahmad Sulaeman IPB Wins Academic Leader at IPB Level
Passioning the Spirit of Nationalism through Local Food, Prof. Ahmad Sulaeman IPB Wins Academic Leader at IPB Level

Academic leader is an award given to lecturers who show their leadership in the academic field. Professor of Security and Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Sulaeman, M.Sc won the award as the winner of IPB Academic Leader rank. There are three indicators that assess the selection of leaders in the academic field, including education (teaching), research and community service.
This doctoral alumnus in Human Nutrition, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA, besides conducting many researches and conferences in various national and international events, he also spawned a lot of research and food products that are useful in the community. Useful products in this community are strengthened by the existence of patents, trademarks and of course high commercial value.
“I am indeed interested in researching local food products which tend not to be seen by many people. Some patented products include Propolis for Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV, a bee house with a three stacking system (STUP), and Lakvita, an instant cream soup made from pumpkin which is suitable for the elderly,” he said.
He said, the three-stacked bee house system is the first bee house system that can boost the production of bee honey and propolis. This innovation is the result of collaboration with farmers from South Sulawesi.
Whereas for commercial products and circulating on the market include Trigona Propolis and Honey Trigona. Other products that have health benefits include Sasumuzi (Sagon Sukun Multi Gizi), Busumuzi (Multi Nutrition Bread Fruit Porridge) and Teasport drink which is drinking from fermented soybeans for sportsmen. He targeted, every product developed must be ready to be marketed. Currently, products that have been developed by Prof. Ahmad and several other researchers from Fema IPB are in the process of collaborating with Kimia Farma and Indo Farma.
The professor who used to aspire as a pilot hopes that with the various studies he has done, he can answer the problems related to nutrition and health with the use of local food. “My first study used Sorghum and Brondong for Breastmilk Substitute (MPASI) for Toddlers. Next I developed bread, noodle and biscuit products from local foods, so that they didn’t depend too much on wheat. I have already made flour from jali, cassava, tofu pulp, tempeh, taro, dragon fruit, carrots, and sago,” he said.
He hopes Indonesia with its abundant and diverse natural resources can be sovereign in the field of food. Fullfilling food of the Indonesian people should no longer depend on imports because local food is very diverse and is still not fully utilized.
“When Indonesia is sovereign with its mouth, nationalism towards the nation will flow in its blood. Therefore, raising the issue of local food is important to do not only for academics but also for the whole community. If not us, who else?” He said. (RYS)
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