Mie University Exchange Student, Autumn 2018


Special Auditing Student : for graduate or undergraduate student

Special Research Student : for graduate student


1. The applicant must be the student who are enrolled in a university with a student exchange agreement with Mie University (IPB is included)

2. The applicant must have the purpose of doing research at Mie University (for special research student)

3. The applicant must have basic knowledge of either or both Japanese and English

Application procedures

1. Submit all application document in a clear-green folder to DITMAWA by 12 March 2018

2. Interview will be conducted whenever necessary (based on further)

3. Application document will be submitted to Mie University collectively by IPB

Detailed information and application from :


Please contact subditpkmipb@gmail.com for further inquiries in the following format:Mie Exchange Fall-2018-Name-Student ID-Major-Inquiry

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