2018: Study of Food Habits and Knowledge-attitude-practice on Indonesian Dietary Guidelines and Its Impact on Nutritional Status of School Children in Cianjur, Indonesia #SDGsIPB3

Indonesia currently has a fairly complex of nutritional problems. Undernutrition and overnutrition known as double-burden of malnutrition problems are remain unfinished and become emerging. The emergence of both undernutrition and overnutrition are mainly caused by dietary pattern (food habits) which is not nutritionally balanced. To prevent undernutrition and overnutriton, knowledge, attitude and practices of nutrition…

2018: Identification of forgotten fringe food for future protein source: A case study in food-insecured area of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta #SDGsIPB2

Mengidentifikasi pangan terlupakan yang berpotensi sebagai sumber protein masa depan, dalam arti lebih adaptif dan ramah lingkungan. ========================================================================================== Identifying forgotten foods that have the potential as a source of protein in the future, in the sense of being more adaptive and environmentally friendly.

2018 Children Food Consumption, Snacking Habits and Food Safety Analysis in School Environment #SDSGsIPB3

School-age is a children period of growth and development into adolescence. Therefore, adequate intake of nutrients and food that is safe to consume is very important. According to Bondika (2011), only about 5% of school-aged children bring foods from home, so school-age children tend to buy snacks at school. However, there are potential problems on…

2018: INDIGENOUS CROPS – Food Production, Food Safety and Process Development of Indigenous Crops to Strengthen Food and Nutrition Security #SDGsIPB2

Menggali pangan pokok indigenous yg sangat berpotensi untuk dibudidaya dan dikembangkan menjadi produk yang lebih sehat dari sisi kualitas gizi dan efek terhadap kesehatan serta dalam bentuk produk yang lebih mudah diterima masyarakat. ========================================================================================== Exploring indigenous staple foods that have the potential to be cultivated and developed into healthier products in terms of nutritional quality…

2018: Dietary Pattern, Protein Quality, Nutritional Status, and Health Status in Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian Community Groups in Bali #SDGsIPB3

People currently have realized and understood the importance of the association between food consumed and diseases. It raises a new habit in society, i.e. changing the dietary pattern to be a vegetarian. Some vegetarian groups that are commonly recognized by people are vegan, lacto-vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, and other vegetarian groups. One of the aims of changes…

2018: Survei pengetahuan Konsumen terhadap label produk makanan di Indonesia #SDGsIPB3

Penelitian lapang yang bertujuan mengetahui KAP konsumen terhadap label produk makanan terutama informasi nilai gizi ========================================================================================== 2018: Survei pengetahuan Konsumen terhadap label produk makanan di Indonesia #SDGsIPB3 Field research that aims to determine the KAP consumers of food product labels, especially information on nutritional value.

2018: The role of women’s empowerment in agricultural household food and nutrition security in Cianjur, West java – Indonesia #SDGsIPB3 #SDGsIPB5 #SDGsIPB10

The main objective of the research is to explore the role of women farmers’ empowerment status in their household’s food and nutrition security level. The research questions aimed to be answered are in three folds; first is how empowered are the women farmers in the stunting prevalent area? Second, what are the role of the…