2018: Marketing practice vs the Marketing thought: What are the differences? #SDGsIPB8

2018: Marketing practice vs the Marketing thought: What are the differences? #SDGsIPB8

The paper presented at the Seminar on Marketing Evolution. The paper describe about the marketing thought and how its impact on marketing practices by the agricultural producers. There were a lot of evidence that there are a large gap between prices accepted by farmers and price paid by consumers. The large gap is due to…

2018: Islamic Wealth Management: Indonesian Case Study #SDGsIPB12

2018: Islamic Wealth Management: Indonesian Case Study #SDGsIPB12

This is a 5TH MFPC International Conference on Islamic Wealth Management & Financial Planning. The Seminar is Organized by MALAYSIAN FINANCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL (MFPC), Securities Commission of Malaysia (SC) Conference Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday 10 April 2018. The topic of my presentation is Islamic Wealth Management: Indonesian Case Study. Family and Households as consumers have…

2018: Commodity Vs Branded Consumer Product: Can Rice be a consumer good? #SDGsIPB2

2018: Commodity Vs Branded Consumer Product: Can Rice be a consumer good? #SDGsIPB2

This is a Round Table Discussion at House of Rice, Jl Taman Patra 1 No 14 Taman Patra Residenstial Kuningan Timur Jakarta Selatan. The participants are those who are interested with the food security and food adequacy for all family members. The topic is how the change in branding practices of rice commodity to become…

2018: SAMISAENA di Desa Sukawening, Kabupaten Bogor oleh BEM FEMA #SDGsIPB1 #SDGsIPB2

Sabtu, 21 April 2018 telah dilaksanakan acara ” Opening Samisaena 2018 ” bertempat di Desa Sukawening. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Ibu PKK, Karang Taruna Sukawening, serta beberapa mahasiswa/i IPB. Acara diawali oleh Tilawah serta beberapa sambutan oleh Dekan Pascasarjana, Kepala Desa Sukawening, perwakilan Ketua Forum Wacana (FW), Ketua BEM FEM, dan Ketua BEM FEMA. Acara…

2018: Analyses of Indonesian Food Consumptions: Differences of Rural and Urban Consumers’ Food Choices between 2017 and 2007 #SDGsIPB2

2018: Analyses of Indonesian Food Consumptions: Differences of Rural and Urban Consumers’ Food Choices between 2017 and 2007 #SDGsIPB2

This is Regional Seminar on Drivers of Consumer Food Choices March 13-14, 2018, Holiday Inn Bangkok Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand. The Seminar is Organized by International Life Sciences Institute Southeast Asia (ILSI SEA) Region and its Thailand Country Committee, and the collaborator, Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand (FoSTAT). The Objectives of the study were…



THE 5TH CONNECTION 2019 #SDGsIPB17 Acara ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan berupa eskpedisi ke Desa Bangsring di Banyuwangi yang berhasil bangkit dari yan sebelumnya mengalami krisis lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh keserakahannya sendiri. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan seminar dari hasil ekspedisi yang mengundang lembaga masyarakat dan tokoh masyarakat yang pro terhadap pengembangan desa. kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada 16-19…

Build The Relation (goes to Thailand) #SDGsIPB17

Build The Relation (goes to Thailand) #SDGsIPB17

Build The Relation (goes to Thailand) #SDGsIPB17 Bentuk rangkaian kegiatan ini berupa kunjungan mahasiswa ke lembaga pendidikan yaitu Kasetart University Thailand yang terkait bidang divisinya dan menjalin relasi antar himpunan untuk mengaplikasikan keilmuan komunikasi secara nyata. kegiatan ini dilaksankan pada 8-11 September dengan tujuan memperkenalkan Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan masyarakat serta menjalin relasi kepada…