GIZ 214 Introduction to Nutritional Biochemistry
Description: The course study basic nutritional biochemistry, various biochemical reactions in human body in relation with utilization of food as nutrient source.
Description: The course study basic nutritional biochemistry, various biochemical reactions in human body in relation with utilization of food as nutrient source.
Description: The course discusses about normal physiology process of various human body systems and its condition during pregnancy and lactation period. The process is discussed in the level of cellular, tissue, organ and organ system to support optimal nutritional and health status.
Description: The course discusses about basic knowledge in nutritional science covering function, sources of food and impact of deficit and excess intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein,fat, vitamin, mineral, water and electrolyte. it also describes other nutrient components and introduces nutritional assessment.
Description : The course discusses about structure, location and function of human body organs in normal physiological condition to support good nutritional and health status. ↵click back to list of courses
Pemutakhiran Data dan Pengisian SKPI Batas Pengisian 8 s.d 22 April 2019
SELAMAT DAN SUKSES Kami ucapkan atas pengukuhan profesor kepada Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anna Marliyati, M. Si yang telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 April 2019. Sumber Foto : HIMAGIZI FEMA IPB FEMA “Membumi dan Mendunia” #FEMA #FEMAIPB #PHOTOFEMA . Jl Kamper, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Website : Telp/Fax : 62-251-8629227 Email :
VOUCHER MAKAN KANTIN PLASMA Kabar baik datang khusus untuk mahasiswa penerima beasiswa Bidik Misi! Kantin Plasma telah hadir dengan voucher MAKAN GRATIS sebesar Rp10.000,00 setiap : Selasa, Rabu, dan Jumat. Syarat dan ketentuan : 1. Kuota voucher hanya 30 voucher/hari 2. Membawa KTM 3. Membawa botol plastik bekas sebanyak 5 buah (ukuran 600 mL) dan…
Minggu (31/3) Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan INSPIRE 2019 2019 di Auditorium CCR. INSPIRE 2019 merupakan berbagai macam acara seperti talkshow after college, talkshow entrepereneur, dan pelatihan pembuatan CV yang diselenggarakan oleh HRD Ormawa FEMA. Acara ini diisi oleh pemateri keprofesian Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA) diantaranya Fatma Silvani yang merupakan ahli gizi, Erika Herry salah satu alumni…