GIZ 234 Public Health
Description: The course discusses the scope of public health and environmental health sciences, including preventive and rehabilitative efforts to improve health, occupational health, hygiene and sanitation.
Description: The course discusses the scope of public health and environmental health sciences, including preventive and rehabilitative efforts to improve health, occupational health, hygiene and sanitation.
Description: The course discusses about nutrition basic principle in relation to culinary; nutritional aspect of food preparation; principles of culinary for various food groups; processing effect on nutrients content and nutrient loss minimization during food preparation and processing.
The course discusses about chemical structure and characteristic of macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, fat) and basic of chemical analysis, particularly analysis of poly- and mono-saccharide (carbohydrate), protein and amino acid (protein), fat, fatty acid, fat quality, cholesterol) using conventional and modern method.
Description: The course discusses about source and type of plant and animal food; physical, chemical/nutrient properties and its post-harvest changes of each food group.
The course discusses about theory and assessment method of food availability, food consumption, nutrients adequacy (dietary reference intake); biochemical, anthropometic, biophysical and clinical nutritional status on individual, household and population; and socio-economic-culture condition as proxy indicator of community nutrition status.
Description: The course discusses about characteristic of growth and development, nutrient requirement and adequacy; impact of deficit and excess of nutrient intake; and effort to overcome nutrition problem; in all human life stages, that are infant, under-five children, school children, adolescence, adult discusses principles of diet planning in those life stages and physiological condition.
Description: The course study principal etiology and pathogenesis of malnutrition, infection, allergy immunology, metabolic endocrine disorders, trauma and cancer diseases; also the association with nutrient metabolism changes.
Description: The course discusses about macro-nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat) and micro-nutrients (vitamin, mineral, water) metabolism, bio-availability and interaction between micro-nutrients; the mechanism which explain role of macro and micro nutrients in causing and/or preventing degenerative disease (coronary hearth disease; also the association with nutrient metabolism changes.