GIZ 346-499

GIZ 346 Food and Nutrition Economics This course discusses about the association between economic and food consumption and nutrient intake variables; inverse association between economic development and nutrition improvement; economic, agriculture and food policy and the effect on food consumption and nutrients intake; defining of poverty line and minimum living need, principles of food consumption…

GIZ 327-345

GIZ 327 Nutrition Education The course discusses about theories of knowledge, attitude, skill, eating behavior and food promotion, nutrient balanced and health; psycho-social cultural aspect and its relationship with eating behavior change; concept and message of nutrition education; selection of education and communication method and technique; evaluation and assessment method of nutrition education. GIZ 328…

GIZ 232 – 326

Code Course Description GIZ 232 Macro Nutrients Analysis The course discusses about chemical structure and characteristic of macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, fat) and basic of chemical analysis, particularly analysis of poly- and mono-saccharide (carbohydrate), protein and amino acid (protein), fat, fatty acid, fat quality, cholesterol) using conventional and modern method. GIZ 233 Nutrition and Culinary The…

Description GIZ 111 – GIZ 231

Code Course Description GIZ 111 Human Anatomy The course discusses about structure, location and function of human body organs in normal physiological condition to support good nutritional and health status. GIZ 112 Introduction to Nutrition The course discusses about basic knowledge in nutritional science covering function, sources of food and impact of deficit and excess…

GIZ 323 Dietetics for Infectious Disease and Deficiency

Description The course discusses about dietetics as a prevention alternative and supporting therapy in infectious and deficiency diseases. Student will learn diet principals in hyper-metabolism condition, gastrointestinal disorders, hepatitis, respiratory tract and lung infection, also nutrients deficiency disease such as protein energy malnutrition, anemia, vitamin A deficiency and iodine deficiency disorder; energy and protein requirement…

GIZ 311 Evaluation of Nutritional Value

The course discusses about bioavailability of nutrients and its association with diseases or nutrient deficit state, and technique to assess nutrient quality; factors affecting biological value such as food processing, and enhancer and inhibitor of nutrient absorption.  Those as considerations when determining optimal food source of nutrients to maintain health, academic and work performance.

GIZ 241 Food and Nutrition Ecology

Description: The course discusses about interaction within human and between human and environment to fulfill food and nutrients need considering sustainable natural resources and environment.  In particular it discusses the problem and its determinant such as demography, social, economy, culture include poverty, health and environment, food and nutrition in bio-eco-culture; various type of food resources;…