- HP 0852-511-111-02
- fema@apps.ipb.ac.id
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00
The paper discussed some consumer issues in Indonesia. Consumer issues are problems come up when a consumer buys goods or services or after consuming goods or services. The issues are directly and indirectly having impact on the well-being of consumers. When the consumer issues appeared, consumers are more likely the ones who are more vulnerable…
The paper discussed about the importance of Enhancing Food Security in Indonesia through Agricultural Training and Extension. The presenters from other countries also shared their programs of extensions for achieving food security in their countries. The Paper Presented at SEAMEO SEARCA Regional Workshop Enhancing Food Security in Southeast Asia through Extension and Agricultural Advisory Services….
Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat oleh IPB “DOSEN MENGABDI” dilaksanakan di Desa Cibatok II dan CIbatok I pada November 2019. Ada tiga dosen yang melakukan penyuluhan pencengahan stunting dari Departemen Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen (IKK) Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA) yaitu Dr Yulina Eva Riany, Dr Melly Latifah, dan Dr Dwi Hastuti. LINK BERITA 2019: Lecturer Dedicate…
Training on Prevention of Stunting for Village Movers (TPD) at the District level. Bogor # SDGsIPB1 # SDGsIPB2 # SDGsIPB3
Kegiatan penelitian untuk mengembangkan instrumen dan menyusun indeks keberdayaan konsumen di Indonesia. LINK KEGIATAN Development of the Indonesian Consumer Empowerment Index # SDGsIPB3 # SDGsIPB10 The research activity aims to develop instruments and develop an index of consumer empowerment in Indonesia.
Peningkatan kapasitas keluarga untuk mengembangkan usaha ekonomi keluarga sehingga mampu melakukan upaya pengembangan ekonomi produktif untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan keluarga. ========================================================================================== Productive Economy Business Skills Training for Poor and Prosperous Families 1 # SDGsIPB1 # SDGsIPB2 # SDGsIPB3 Increasing the capacity of families to develop a family economic business so that they can make…
Pengembangan media edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, wawasan, dan kesaran tentang pentingnya mewujudkan ketahanan keluarga yang ramah terhadap isu gender. ========================================================================================== Development of Gender-based Family Resilience Module # SDGsIPB5 This activity is the development of educational media to increase knowledge, insight, and strength about the importance of realizing family resilience that is friendly to gender issues.