Revolution (Research Volunteer in Action) merupakan kegiatan riset aksi langsung ke lapang mengenai isu lingkungan yang terjadi di Sungai Ciliwung dan memfokuskan dalam pembahasan mengenai normalisasi fungsi Sungai Ciliwung. Hasilnya dibuat berupa Lokakarya yang mengundang himpunan mahasiswa lain yang memiliki kajian ilmu terkait. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari dan April. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan mahasiswa dan mengasah bakat di bidang kepropesian serta mengasah kemampuan analisis serta kepekaan terhadap lingkungan sekitar khususnya mengenai sanitasi air karena acara ini membahas mengenai ekosistem sungai tepatnya Sungai Ciliwung.



Revolution (Research Volunteer in Action) is a field-direct action research activity on environmental issues that occur in the Ciliwung River and focuses on discussions on normalizing the function of the Ciliwung River. The results were made in the form of a Workshop inviting other student associations who have related scientific studies. This activity was carried out in February and April. This activity aims to broaden students’ insights and knowledge and hone their talent in the field of professionalism and hone their analytical skills and sensitivity to the surrounding environment, especially regarding water sanitation because this event discusses river ecosystems, specifically the Ciliwung River.