2018: Program Edukasi Ibu dan Keluarga at Desa Cibatok 2, Kecamatan Cibungbulang Kabupaten Bogor Indonesia #SDGsIPB3 #SDGsIPB4
The program is to provide training to mothers with infants or pregnant women. The purpose of the training is to educate mothers of how to manage their family and households’ resources and all their members to become an effective parents and manager of the household. By the end of the training session, the mothers are expected to have skills and knowledge of parenting and family resource management so they will achieve their well-beings. The program is organized by Program Collaboration of Department of Family and Consumer Sciences FEMA IPB and National Agency of Population and Family Planning, Republic of Indonesia and Local Government of Cibungbulang Subdistrict. The program duration is 18 September 2018- December 2018.