2018: Identification, preferences, and nutritional contribution of traditional food in the consumption pattern of households of farmers and fishermen in Bengkulu #SDGsIPB2 #SDGsIPB 3
The existence of traditional food is getting scarce due to the complexity of the making and that it is only known by certain group of people. Other than that, the main ingredient used in traditional food is very likely determined by the location in which it is found. But then, the tendency of consuming traditional food in a family is often found during the wedding ceremony of Bengkulu people. This condition is still preserved due to their fondness and preference and also easiness to obtain. Besides that. Bengkulu as a coastal area is rich in the diversity of distinctive fish based food, reported that the traditional food of Bengkulu which are fish-based are pendap fish, pais, lemea, bagar hiu, gulai kemba’ang, and tempoyak (fermented durian). These traditional foods have nutritional value and more specific taste. These foods use the ingredients obtained from the local food sources and they have the taste which is relatively acceptable for Bengkulu people.
Traditional food can be classified into some groups: primary food, supplementary dishes, vegetables, and snacks. The traditional snacks have become rarely served by the people as the time goes. Mother as the caretaker and provider of food in a family has a very important role in the effort of introducing the traditional snacks starting from giving education about traditional food in her family, until the process of teaching the family in relation to the effort to prefer the consumption of such traditional food. In the people in the village, the majority of occupation is farmer and fisherman for those living at the coast. These occupations influence the food availability on the household level.
General purpose of this research was to identify the kinds of traditional foods, preferences, and their nutritional contribution in the consumption pattern in the family of farmers and fishermen in Bengkulu.