Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Pengaruh Jenis Bahasa Narasi dan Bentuk Pesan Visual Video Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan tentang Penyakit Chikungunya pada Siswa SMAN 1 Ciampea

  1. Alif, S.H. Nasution, F. Rohadji





This research was conducted to determine the influences of the type of naration language and video visual messagetoward the improvement of knowledge on Chikungunya, among students of SMAN 1 Ciampea, Bogor. Thisexperiment had been conducted to 80 students which were selected purposively and divided into four treatmentgroup. Data was analyzed using paired sample t-test, analysis of varians, and Duncan’s multiple range test. Theresult shows that, there is an improvement of knowledge, among students after watching the video on Chikungunya.However, there is no significant difference of knowledge on Chikungunya, on the influence of the use of Sundaneseand Bahasa Indonesia. Similarly, there is no significant difference about the video treatment between realisticvisualization (motion) and graphic visualization (still). All four treatment combinations do not show any significantdifference in the student’s knowledge improvement on Chikungunya.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Efektivitas Komunikasi Partisipatif dalam Pelaksanaan Prima Tani di Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

P.G. Cahyanto, B.G. Sugihen, Hadiyanto .




The objectives of this research are to know the participatory communication effectiveness in the implementation ofintegrated farming model and to analyze the relationship between individual characteristic of farmer withparticipatory communication in implementation of Prima Tani. The research was designed asa survey on thecharacter of descriptive correlation. Sample chosen by simple random sampling method consisting of 100 farmers orpeasants from 10 groups of peasants that participate in Prima Tani Progam. The collected data is analyzed usingnon-parametric statistics procedure, in this case Rank Spearman and Chi Square. The result of the study indicate that(1) Age correlate significantly with planning, Non formal education correlates significantly with inspiring idea,planning and implementation, Motivation correlate significantly with inspiring idea, Income level correlatesignificantly with planning, implementation and assessment, Membership period correlate significantly with inspiringidea and implementation. Inspiring idea correlate with attitude and knowledge in integrated farming model orprogram. Implementation program correlate with attitude and knowledge, and negatitivity correlates with behaviorchange. The assessment program correlate with significantly with attitude and knowledge. Farmer attitude andknowledge in this model are not always in line with behavior change that would expected.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Kajian Karakteristik Nelayan Terhadap Akses Sumber Informasi ; (Kasus Di Desa Parangtritis Kecamatan Kretek Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta)

  1. Sugiharto, A.V.S. Hubeis, Gardjito ., F. Rohadji




The role of information in fishery development becomes very important now. The information represents source forunderstanding creation, opening of knowledge and assisting in efficient and effective decision-making. Growth ofscience and technology especially in submitting information by using media oblige fishermen for more selectivechosen source of effective information so they will be able to facilitate effort system of fishery catch. The purpose ofthis research was to know the characteristic of fishermen in Parangtritis village, to know access information sourceand to study the characteristic relation of fishermen access to the information source. This research was executed atParangtritis village, Sub district of Kretek, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta in March – May 2004 by using correlationdescriptive method. Data collecting was conducted by using structured interview with questioner. Result of researchindicates that the fishermen generally are in productive age, most of fishermen status is a laborer, formal educationof fishermen generally is junior high school and senior high school, and they have followed non formal education.Their earnings are between Rp.500.000 – Rp. 1.000.000. The fishermen generally access the interpersonal mediainformation source by way of humanity communication and group, newspaper and electronic media – radio andTelevision. Result of research indicates that only some components of characteristic relate to access of informationsource by interpersonal media, press and the electronic. Fishermen status have a negative real correlation withinformation access through radio, non formal education of fisheries has a very real correlation with informationaccess through communications among fishermen and television media, has a real correlation with informationaccess in groups and newspaper media. While fishermen earnings have a real negative correlation with informationaccess by Sub district Worker of Fishery (PPK), very negative correlation with information access by “layar tancap”film and VCD media.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Pola Komunikasi Orang Tua Tunggal Dalam Membentuk Kemandirian Anak (Kasus di Kota Yogyakarta)

  1. Retnowati, A.V.S. Hubeis, Hadiyanto .




Communication is one aspect that can be considered in transforming children’s independency. The aims of thisresearch are: (1) examining communication pattern of single parents in transforming children’s independency; (2)analyzing the correlation between surroundings and the characteristic of single parents to communication pattern;(3) analyzing the correlation between surroundings and the characteristic of single parents to children’sindependency. This research employes qualitative approach and survey method by collecting data throughquestionnaires with 25 single parents who are determined by having legal documents issued by YogyakartaReligious Court, in-depth interview with 10 single parents. Then, data is analyzed descriptively. The results of thisresearch showed that: (1) the interaction and transaction communication pattern played a dominant role intransforming children’s independency by internalizing consciousness to be independent and giving children sometraining; (2) there is no correlation between surroundings factor and communication pattern but there is correlationbetween the characteristic of single parents and communication pattern; (3) there is correlation betweensurroundings factor and the characteristic of single parents to children’s independency.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Pemberdayaan Komunikasi Pemuka Pendapat dalam Penanganan Bencana Gempa Bumi Di Yogyakarta (Kasus Kabupaten Bantul)

  1. Badri, M. Hubeis, Maksum .




This research is aimed at knowing communication empowerment for opinion leaders in the post-disaster handling of the Yogyakarta earthquake, especially in Bantul Regency. The analysis was held to find out the opinion leader’s personal characteristics, opinion leader’s communication behavior, community group, opinion leader’scommunication empowerment in the post-disaster handling and also the influence of the opinion leader’s personalcharacteristics, opinion leader’s communication behavior, community group, for opinion leader’s communicationempowerment in the post-disaster handling of the Yogyakarta earthquake. This research was designed as surveymethods, using simple random sampling methods for 91 respondents. The analysis was done by descriptivefrequency, Chi-Square and multiple regression. The result shown that opinion leader’s occupation has influence tothe basic social service in the opinion leader’s communication empowerment in disaster handling. Opinion leader’ssalary has influence to the program information. Personage has influence to the basic social service. Opinionleader’s responses to mass media has influence to the victim rescue stage. Community group has real influence to theempowerment disaster handling communication. Group structure occupation has strong influence to the temporaryhousing. Group building has strong influence to the reconstruction housing. Group cohesion has strong influence to all activity of the empowerment disaster handling communication. Group atmosphere has strong influence to thetemporary housing. Group pressure influence to the mental rehabilitation only. Group direction has strong influenceto the temporary housing. The communication empowerment for opinion leaders is necessary to make the postdisasterhandling program successful.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Jaringan Komunikasi Dan Peran Perempuan Dalam Mempertahankan Budaya Rudat (Studi Pada Masyarakat Desa Negeri Katon, Kecamatan Negeri Katon, Lampung Selatan)

  1. Gustina, A.V.S. Hubeis, S. Riyanto




The objectives of the research were (1) to describe the configuration of communication network related to thedissemination of information about the rudat culture and to examine its specific roles in the network (2) to examinethe role of women in the process of dissemination of information about the rudat culture and the ceremony in DesaNegeri Katon, and (3) to examine the relation between the peoples communication network and the role of women inthe process of dissemination of information about the rudat culture and the ceremony in Desa Negeri Katon. TheResearch was held upon the people of Desa Negeri Katon, Kecamatan Negeri Katon, South Lampung. Primary datahad been collected by methods of survey, sociometry and indepth interview. The survey was held by sets ofquestionnaire asked to 97 respondents, the sociometry was used to analize the communication network, and theindepth interviews were used in collecting qualitative data. The intervariable relation was then analized usingstatistical test correlational coefficient rank spearman and the multilinear regression test. The results showed that 1)the structure communication network composes a mere great clique, 2) the specific roles in the network are star andneglectee, and 3) there are significant connection between its communication network with the roles of woman in theprocess of dissemination of information.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


The Level Of Mass Media Usage and The Role Of Communication Of Cattle Farmers Group Members in Cattle Supervisory Communication Network

  1. Saleh




The cattle agribusiness supervision activities, similar to other types of supervision are supposed to undergo a communication structure changes. The communication pattern is no longer in the form of “oil droplets” supervision having a top down outline, or relying on the LAKU supervision system which has a dyadic pattern integrating the top down and bottom up interest with an interpersonal or group communication approach. However turning into participation and exchange of knowledge and experiences through “farmer as partner” communication pattern, therefore the advance technology and local traditions are forming synergy. It is suspected that the cattle farmer communication pattern in cattle supervision no longer relies on interpersonal.











Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Februari 2008


Perbandingan Pendekatan Ekonomi-Politik Media dan Studi Kebudayaan dalam Kajian Komunikasi Massa

  1. Sarwoprasodjo Agung




Fenomena media massa sebagai bagian dari kebudayaan dan kehidupan sosial semakin meningkat. Kondisi ini dapat menjadi tantangan bagi para para peneliti media massa untuk mengembangkan konsep-konsep yang memungkinkan untuk memahami gejala tersebut dengan baik. Dua kelompok pendekatan kritis yakni ekonomi politik media dan studi kebudayaan mempunyai kesamaan, kelebihan dan kekurangan. Dengan memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut kedua pendekatan dapat saling belajar untuk memperkaya pendekatan masing- asing. Bagi pendekatan ekonomi politik media yang cenderung melihat dari satu sisi yakni produksi dan distribusi media, pendekatannya dapat diperbaiki dengan menambah satu sisi yakni konsumsi oleh khalayak dengan memberi perhatian pada kebebasan khalayak dalam menginterpretasi. Sedangkan bagi studi kebudayaan adalah dengan memberi perhatian pada aspek ekonomi-politik dan metodologi empirisme dalam etnografi. Dengan demikian, kajian terhadap media massa perlu mengembangkan pendekatan multiperspektif yang mencakup beragam artifak dengan mengumpulkan informasi secara mendalam tiga dimensi yakni (1) produksi dan ekonomi politis dari budaya (2) analisis tekstual dan kritik terhadap artifaknya dan (3) kajian mengenai penerimaan khalayak dan penggunaan produk budaya/media secara polisemi dengan metode pengumpulan data empiris.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Peran Komunikasi Politik Pemangku Kepentingan Pada Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Perberasan

M.S. Nasution, A.V.S. Hubeis, A. Saleh




Rice in Indonesia has a strategic role especially in economic. Rice issues also playing a sensitive role on social andpolitical security. Rice is also a prime food for the majority of Indonesian people; therefore need a good and rightmanagement from upper course up to lower course. The strong role of political communication become one of theway on the making of rice policy implementation especially by involving those interest functionary on rice. Thisresearch was designed as survey with descriptive correlation, respondent comprised of farmer organization,government, rice entrepreneur, and IV commission of house of representative. Quantitative analysis used bydescriptive statistical and correlation analysis with rank Spearman correlation statistical test. The role of politicalcommunication of farmer organization are on the middle category, government on strong category, rice entrepreneuron middle category and IV commission of House of Representative on middle category. At the personal characteristicof farmer organization on formal education, experiences on farmer organization and IV commission of house ofrepresentative actually significant with the role of political communication on rice policy implementation. At thesituational characteristic on communication access of government and IV commission of house of representative,political participation of all interest functionary are tangibly significant and only IV commission of house ofrepresentative political perception that tangible not significant with the role of political communication on rice policyimplementation. At political communication behavior, the information dependency on mass media on governmenttangible significant. Meanwhile respons on public opinion for IV commission of house of representative is significantand political attitude all of interest functionary tangible significant with the role of political communication of ricepolicy implementation.Mass media has their role as one of the information source which is considerably objectiveand public opinion on the subject of rice policy implementation has also considerably become one of intakecorrection. The choices of Political attitude at the current time are valuable to bring out cooperation and re-actualizestrong and powerful policy implementation in the future.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Hubungan Karakteristik dan Aktivitas Komunikasi dengan Perilaku Masyarakat Perkampungan Budaya Betawi

  1. Astuti, A.V.S. Hubeis, F. Rohadji, S. Riyanto




In 10 March 2005 Parlement DKI Jakarta area have approved of Regional lawing proposal number 3/2005 a boutBetawi Cultural Civilization in Jagakarsa district South Jakarta. The aim of Betawi Cultural Civilization the makecommunity a ware style life Betawi Cultural in to protect enviroment and building Betawi. This Research aimed atdescribe civilazation characteristic communication activity and community behavior and analityng relationcivilization which conducted in July – Agust 2006 using relation discribtive method. The Result so may individucharacteristic significanly related with community behavior such as formal education with knowledge nonformal withattitude and action, while the communication community correlated with community behavior are exsposenewspapaer, exspose with knowledge, interpersonal communication exspose with attitude.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Keefektivan Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Peran-Peran Kelembagaan Agropolitan

  1. Oktarina, Sumardjo ., E. Rustiadi




The aim of this research was to find the farmers perception about the agropolitan institutional role performance, tomeasure the level of communication’s effectiveness and to find some factor that influence of its. The design andmethods in this research was survey and stratified random sampling. The data was obtained from three villages for120 respondents. Data was analyzed by non parametric statistic, in this case was Rank Spearman.The result shownthat farmer’s perception about agropolitan institutional role were central, province and regency team work,agricultural extension agents, bussiness agent, farmer team work, PH and STA institutional actually haven’t exactlyyet. The farmer perception is linierly, by using communicative method and rare frequency. The farmerscommunication in agropolitan institutional roles development haven’t effective yet. Some factors of respondentcharacteristic that correlate with the intensity of farmer’s social interaction, there are low education, experience andfarmer’s income. The role of central, province,regency team work, agricultural extension agents, and farmer teamwork correlate significantly with the intensity of farmer’s social interaction and the effectiveness of farmer’scommunication. The intensity of farmer’s social interaction correlate significantly with farmer’s perception andfarmer’s behavior.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Dukungan Lingkungan Terhadap Keefektivan Komunikasi Masyarakat Aceh di Bogor dalam Pengelolaan Dampak Tsunami

Yusnidar ., Sumardjo ., R.W.E. Lumintang




To investigate the communication efectiveness of Acehnese community in Bogor on tsunami impact management, ithas been done an explanatory research. The objectives of this research are to analyze: (1) how far thecommunication processes of Acehnese community in Bogor on tsunami impact management correlate with theirindividual environments?, (2) how far the communication efectiveness correlate with their individual environments?,and (3) are individual environment aspects correlate each other? The study was conducted in Bogor district andBogor City from April until June 2006. The samples was determined by disproportional stratified random sampling,according to group and gender of Acehnese community. The respondents were 90 persons consist of 30 persons ineach group (permanent Acehnese community, undergraduate students, and postgraduate students), divided into 15male and 15 female. The result showed that: Firstly, the communication processes of Acehnese community in Bogoron tsunami impact management are influenced by their individual environments. The higher environments supportthe higher communication processes done. Secondly, the environments support (primarily from frends, neighbors,media, social supports) would influence the communication efectiveness of Acehnese community in Bogor, expressedin their good knowledge on tsunami impact management. Thirdly, individual environment aspects correlate eachother. Family support was the most important aspect because it could influence neighbor and social supports as wellas media availability.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Peran Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Kelembagaan Ketahanan Pangan Masyarakat ; Kasus Lumbung Pangan di Ciamis, Jawa Barat

  1. Koesoemowardani, Sumardjo .





The rice barn have important role in the farmer food security, especially at period of shortage before harvest.Nevertheless, a lot of the rice barn have still social function. To supported the community food security, the role ofrice barn must be changed to economics oriented. The objective of this research are (1) to study some factors thatinfluence communication models, (2) to study correlations of communication models and supporting factors tobehavior change at members and board of rice barn, and (3) correalations of behavior change to accelaration ofrice barn. This research was conduct in three sub-district on Ciamis District, West Java. The result indicated thatindividual characteristic and external variables were significant related to communication models. The supportingvariables and communication models were significant related to the behavior change of the member and board of therice barn. The better of trust, transparancy and participation in the rice barn management were related to theaccelerated function of the rice barn food security.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Analisis Efektivitas Komunikasi Model Prima Tani Sebagai Diseminasi Teknologi Pertanian di Desa Citarik Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat

  1. Saleh, F. N. Suwanda




This research is aiming to know the analyze of Prima Tani model communication effectiveness as a agriculturaltechnology disseminations in Citarik Village, Karawang Region, West Java Province. The analyze was formed to findout personal characteristics, community of farmer institutions, accessibility, essential and support factors inagricultural development, Prima Tani communication media, Prima Tani communication effectiveness in agriculturalbusiness (planting rice) development model. This research was designed as a correlated descriptive survey, and usingcluster random sampling method for 80 farmer respondents. The analyze of correlations were done by rankSpearman and chi-square. The results of research are: age, formal education, non-formal education, farmingexperience, average income, agricultural business status, land usage, interpersonal communication farmingorientations, and farmer status that personal characteristics as an internal factors have a highly significantcorrelation with spread out technology and Prima Tani clinic in usefull of communication media. Spread outtechnology and Prima Tani clinic in usefull of communication media have a significant correlation with externalfactors. The usefull of communication media have a highly significant correlation with Prima Tani communicationeffectiveness in agricultural business development model, except affective. Internal factors have a significantcorrelation to Prima Tani communication effectiveness in agricultural business development model, except affective.External factors have a significant correlation to Prima Tani communication effectiveness in agricultural businessmodel




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 6, Nomor 2 Juli 2008


Komunikasi Pembangunan Partisipatif: Sebuah Pengenalan Awal

Hadiyanto .




Istilah Komunikasi Pembangunan Partisipatif (Kombangpar) mungkin masih terasa asing, bahkan di kalangan akademisi dan praktisi komunikasi pembangunan sendiri di Indonesia. Sebab sekalipun konsep, model, dan penerapannya sudah dikembangkan beberapa dekade lalu namun wacana tentang Kombangpar masih belum dilakukan secara meluas dan intens sampai saat ini. Momentum setengah abad embrio lahirnya Komunikasi Pembangunan, sejak pertama kali Daniel Lerner mempublikasikan hasil penelitiannya pada tahun 1958 (The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle East) dapat pula dijadikan sebagai tonggak penting untuk mulai memahami, mengkaji dan mencari relevansinya bagi pembangunan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat Indonesia yang sampai saat ini masih belum beruntung karena struktur sosial dan sistem yang kurang berpihak kepada mereka.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 1 Februari 2009


Efektivitas Komunikasi Pembelajaran melalui Media Website untuk Materi Ajaran Fisika (Kasus Siswa Kelas 3 SMAN 1 Jakarta Pusat)

  1. H. Purnama, M. Hubeis, K. Matindas




This research aimed to identify factors affecting learning communication effectivity contains of cognitive, affectiveand psychomotoric. The study was conducted in SMAN 1 Jakarta from June to August 2006. There were 80respondents of students selected through purposive sampling. The study was held to evaluate effectivity of usingInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) such website that implemented by SMAN1 since 2001 ascompetence curriculum. This research is designed by survey methode. The data is analyzed using frequencydescriptive, Chi Square and Multiple Regression continued with path analysis. The results showed that (1) sex, job ofparents and students organization activity had significant correlation to access frequency and duration ofinternet/website using,.(2) Factors affecting learning communication effectivity directly were frequency, financialavailables,and free time, and indirectly were motivation, task and application easily.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 1 Februari 2009


Efektivitas Komunikasi Pemuka Pendapat Kelompok Tani dalam Menggunakan Teknologi Usahatani Padi (Kasus di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang NTT)

  1. R. Rohi, A. Saleh, R.W.E. Lumintang




Communication effectiveness opinion leader of farmer groups in uses rice farming technology: case at KupangTengah district Kupang regency Nusa Tenggara Timur province. The Research objectives are: (1) to expose opinionleader characteristics, as well as using information source, (2) to detect communication effectiveness among opinionleader, (3) to evaluate applying rice farming technology, (4) to analize to relationship among characteristics,information source, and frequency leader to leader employing, communication effectiveness practicing ricetechnology to farmer at Kupang Tengah district Kupang regency Nusa Tenggara Timur province. Research wasdesigned in descriptive correlation survey method. The data was collecting during March to May 2008.Thepopulation was the entire opinion leader from five rice farmer groups. Total respondents were 99 persons. Data wasanalyzed by rank Spearman statistical test. Result indicated: (1) leader characteristics was potentially enough toapply rice technology, (2) mass media utilization as source of information waslimited, (3) introduce rice technologyby leader, indicating more effective, (4) several characteristics factors which are significantly correlated positivelyas well as negatively to communication effectiveness: social participation, formal education, family size, attitude,social status, farm size, mass media utilization and contact to extension agent.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 1 Februari 2009


Pemanfaatan Media Komunikasi Prima Tani, Aksesibilitas Kelembagaan Tani, dan Persepsi Petani tentang Teknologi Agribisnis Industrial Pedesaan

  1. Sapari, A. Saleh, Maksum .




This research aims to know the relation between Prima Tani media communications and accessibility of farmerinstitution with farmer perception about technology introduction of Rural Agribusiness Industrial. In this research tofind characteristic personal, Prima Tani of media communications and accessibility of farmer institution influencingfarmer perception about technology introduction of Rural Agribusiness Industrial in province of West Java and SouthSulawesi. Result of research indicates: nonformal education has correlation with perception of cooperator farmer inWest Java. Ages, formal and nonformal education has negative correlation with perception of noncooperator farmerin West Java at economic and social aspect. In South Sulawesi, formal education and experience of farm hascorrelation with perception of cooperator farmer at economic aspect, average income and land use field hascorrelation with social aspect. Average income and land use status has negative correlation with noncooperatorfarmer perception in social aspect and land use status at social aspect, land use status has correlation withnoncooperator farmer perception at economic aspect. In West Java, spread out technology and clinic agribusinesshas correlation with perception of cooperator farmer with biophysic and economic aspect. Prima Tani mediacommunications has correlation with biophysic and social aspect. Spread out technological and Prima Tani mediacommunication has correlation with perception of noncooperator farmer in West Java at social aspect, clinicagribusiness has correlation with noncooperator farmer in economic aspect. In South Sulawesi, spread outtechnological has correlation with biophysic and social aspect. Prima Tani media communications and clinicagribusiness has correlation with perception of cooperator farmer at social and economic aspect. In West Java,accessibility of farmer institution has correlation with perception of cooperator farmer in biophysic, social andeconomic aspect. Accessibility of farmer institution has correlation with noncooperator farmer perception in socialand economic aspect. In South Sulawesi, accessibility of farmer institution has correlation with cooperator farmerperception in social and biophysic aspect.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 1 Februari 2009


Efektivitas Komunikasi Masyarakat dalam Memanfaatkan Pertunjukan Wayang Purwa di Era Globalisasi (Kasus: Desa Bedoyo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta)

  1. Saleh, N. Rizkawati




This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of “Wayang Purwa” to communicate to the society in the era ofglobalization. The analysis designed to reveal the individual characteristics who watch “Wayang Purwa” show, thecharacteristics of “Wayang Purwa” show, the effectiveness using “Wayang Purwa” to communicate with the society,the relationships between individual characters with “Wayang Purwa” performance, and the relationships between“Wayang Purwa” performance with the communication effectiveness to the society especially at Desa Bedoyo,Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta in environmental cleanness issues. Respondents (79 sample) were selected by simplerandomize sampling, the survey was designed with statistically correlation descriptive model and the statisticanalysis was conducted using descriptive analysis rank Tau Kendall and chi square. This research revealed:Individual characteristics have a significant correlation with the “Wayang Purwa” performance, i.e. (1) ages withmain character, (2) education level with Dalang-Audience interaction, (3) job with main character and main conflict,and also very significant in (a) education level with topics, main character, and main conflict, (b) income with topics,main character, and main conflict, (c) TV watch rate with Dalang-Audience correlation, main character, topics andmain conflict. Respondent individual characters have a significant correlation with them i.e. gender with knowledgeand very significant correlation with the effectiveness of using “Wayang Purwa” to communicate with them i.e. (a)education level with communication effectiveness (b) job with society attitude (c) income with communicationeffectiveness (d) TV watch rate with communication effectiveness. “Wayang Purwa” performance characters have avery significant correlation with the society communication effectiveness.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 1 Februari 2009


Perilaku Komunikasi Aparat Pemda Kabupaten dalam Pengarusutamaan Gender di Era Otonomi Daerah (Kasus pada Kabupaten Lampung Timur)

  1. Khaliq, A.V.S. Hubeis, Mintarti .




Main subject of this research was behavioral of communication at gender mainstreaming study case in RegionalGovernment of East Lampung District. The objectives of the research were; (1) to studied relationship betweencharacteristics of individual with perception and participation the Government staff in gender mainstreaming atregional autonomy, (2) to studied relationship between behavioral communication with perception and participationthe government staff in gender mainstreaming at regional autonomy, (3) to studied relationship betweencharacteristic of interpersonal communication with their communication behavior in gender mainstreaming atregional autonomy era. The goals of this research are to know how important behavioral, perception andparticipation to gender mainstreaming in Regional Government of East Lampung District. Respondent in thisresearch were about 68 from 676 of the structural staff in Regional Government of East Lampung District. Themethod type in this research was descriptive co-relational survey. Result of this research is indicated that there weresignificant correlation between several indicators on independent variables and perception and also participation ingender mainstreaming.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 1 Februari 2009


Efektivitas Penyebaran Informasi di Bidang Pertanian melalui Perpustakaan Digital (Kasus Pusat Perpustakaan dan Penyebaran Teknologi Pertanian)

  1. Maryam, M. Hubeis, Maksum .




The research was conducted to know and analyze the effectiveness of agricultural information dissemination throughdigital library. The characteristic, information accessibility and communication intensity of library user and thecorrelation of their variables was analyzed partially or simultaneously. The research location was performed atPusat Perpustakaan dan Penyebaran Teknologi Pertanian (PUSTAKA) Bogor, and conducted from March until June2008. This research was designed by using a survey method with correlation descriptive. Data collected byquestionnaire and the samples were taken by employing a non-probability sampling method with conveniencesampling, involving 82 respondents which consists the library user of university student. The analysis was done bydescriptive frequency and inferential analysis with Rank Spearman correlation by SPSS 16.0 for windows program.The result showed that the characteristic, information accessibility and communication intensity of library user bytogether didn’t show significantly correlation with the diffusion effectiveness of agricultural through digital library atPUSTAKA Bogor. It means the user come to the library to look for the information what they need, it doesn’t showcorrelation with the availability of facilities at PUSTAKA. However the correlation occurring between thecharacteristic of library user and information accessibilities was shown significantly. The diffusion of agriculturalthrough digital library at PUSTAKA Bogor has already run effectively. Therefore, it can be as a reference for thesame library to other libraries in Indonesia for developing the digital library. The digital library of PUSTAKA shouldpromote to the public with publicity and advertisement, especially through television as the digital library beingcomplete and modern in agriculture sector.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Perbandingan Efektivitas Media Cetak (Folder dan Poster-Kalender) dan Penyajian Tanaman Zodia terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat

  1. Marlina, A. Saleh, R.W.E. Lumintang




Objectives of research were to determine the combination treatment of printed material (folder media and calendarposter)combined with Zodia plant toward increasing community knowledge in North Bogor sub-district. Design ofresearch was a quasi-experimental design. Sample was chosen in the endemic area of dengue disease (DBD).Sampling design was a separate sample pretest-posttest control group design. Experimental design was a 2x3factorial design. Respondents were totally 90 housewives, divided into six groups. Research result was: (1)effectiveness of printed media can be increased toward phisical media usage; (2) increasing knowledge was veryeffective toward media combination; (3) folder combined with Zodia plant was more effective to increase communityknowledge; Community knowledge was emphasis on utilizing Zodia plant to prevent mosquito as an agent of denguedisease; (4) several characteristic factors were increase community knowledge effectively, (5) innovation factorswere also effectively increase community knowledge. It was concluded that folder media combined with Zodia wasthe most effective media to deliver a message of Zodia plant to increase community knowledge.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Pengembangan Kompetensi Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Universitas Terbuka (UT): Kasus Alumni UT di wilayah Serang, Karawang, Cirebon dan Tanggamus

  1. Huda, Sumardjo ., M. Slamet, P. Tjitropranoto




Agricultural extension agent must have several competencies in order to do their job properly. As educators, theyhave to master several competencies not only related to their personalities but also their professionalism,andragogic and social interaction abilities. This research was intended to formulate strategies for the developmentof agricultural extension agent competencies. Data were collected in July through December 2008. A surveytechnique was implemented among 111 agricultural extension agents who were graduated from UT in four differentlocations, namely Serang, Karawang, Cirebon and Tanggamus. Information from stakeholders were also collected toelaborate the findings. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and regression analysis. The findings indicated thatUT’s graduates tend to have a high level in competencies and have several dominant factors affecting theircompetencies.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Hubungan Karakteristik dan Motif dengan Efek Media Kasus Ibu Rumah Tangga Pendengar Acara Pro Dokter di Pro 2 LPP RRI Jakarta

Agustini ., S. Hamdani N, K. Matindas




The aims of this study were to analyze the housewives characteristics, the motivation for listening to Pro Doctorradio program, the relationship between characteristics and motivation, the relationship between media use andmotivation, and the relationship between motivation and satisfaction as the effect of the media. The study wasdesigned as a survey employing a descriptive correlational method. One hundred housewives were chosen asrespondents through a simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed with Rank Spearman Test, Chi SquareTest and Contingency Coefficient Test using SPSS program. Results of the study show the characteristics of samplesas follows: average age is 37 years, without occupation, family income is between Rp1-2 million, senior high school(or equivalent) education, and between 1 to 3 children in the family. The motivations for listening to the radioprogram are: gaining information, broadening vision, easiness to solve problems in health, feeling more secure,confidence, and having a topic to talk about when meeting friends. Family income correlates highly significantly withmotives for: gaining information, broadening vision, and having a topic to talk about; while correlates significantlywith motives for easiness to solve problems, and confidence. The number of family members has a high significantrelationship with motives for gaining information, has significant relationship with motivation for having a topic totalk about. There are significant differences in any motivation between housewives who have occupations and thosewho do not have one. There is a strong relationship between occupation and the motivation for: solving problems,feeling more secure, confidence, having a topic to talk about, entertainment, feeling spare time, and routinines. Thefrequency to listen correlates highly significantly with motivation for: gaining information, while correlatessignificantly with feeling spare time and routines. The intensity of completeness, active sums/phone is closelyassociated with the motivation to fill spare time, the associated with health problems, and rout nines. Motivation for:rout nines and having topic to talk about, correlate significantly with the cognitive and conative aspects. Motivationfor: gaining information and broadening vision correlate highly significantly with the affective and connate aspects.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Perkembangan Pola Komunikasi dalam Penyuluhan Pertanian di Indonesia

Dwi Sadono





Communication model in agricultural extention practices in Indonesia have develoved parallel by the developmentconcept of communication and community. This paper describe several models which dominant used in Indonsia, thatis: 1) One way model, 2) two way hierarkhis model, 3) media forum model, 4) networking model, and 5)eksperimental learning cycle model.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Hubungan Karakteristik Petani dengan Jasa Pelayanan dan Efektivitas Komunikasi Klinik Agribisnis di Prima Tani Leuwi Sadeng Kabupaten Bogor

  1. Rachmawati, A. Saleh




The objectives of research are: (1) to know about the communication process in Agribusiness Clinic’s service, (2) toanalyze the level of Agribusiness Clinic communication effectiveness, (3) to analyze relationship between farmer’scharacteristics with communication process in Agribusiness Clinic’s service and (4) to analyze relationship betweenfarmer’s characteristics and communication process in Agribusiness Clinic’s service with Agribusiness Clinic andcommunication effectiveness. This research designed as the description correlation and analyzed by rank Spearmanstatistical test. The research results showed: (1) the communication process in Agribusiness Clinic’s service consistof consultancy/service, discussion, technical construction, printed media and location in farmer’s good perception,(2) communication in Agribusiness Clinic is effective because can be transmission relevant information andsatisfying of member, (3) some individual characteristics have a significant and high significant correlation witheffectiveness of communication are: formal education, level of cosmopolite and non formal education except agenegatively, (4) the formal education has a significant correlation with level of transmission relevant information, thenon formal education and level of cosmopolite has a high significant correlation with satisfying of member, exceptage negatively with Agribusiness communication effectiveness. Agribusiness Clinic’s Service is in good category onlyon printed media have a significant correlation with level of transmission relevant information and high significantcorrelation with satisfying of member, while the location has a high significant only with satisfying of member. Basedon the results of the research that communication with printed media is better than interpersonal communication atPrima Tani in Leuwi Sadeng Sub district, Bogor.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penyuluh dalam Pemanfaatan Media

  1. O. M. Anwas, Sumardjo ., P. S. Asngari, P. Tjitropranoto




A long side the community changes and demands, the competency of agricultural extension agents should beincreased by means of learning process. This learning process is not merely taken place within formal education butalso by means of the utilization of a variety of media whether they are mass media, programmed media, orenvironmental media. The present study was to analyze the media utilization intensity, and the dominant factorsinfluence their media utilization intensity. The study used explanatory research method on 170 agricultural extensionagents who work within paddy farmer area (Karawang) and within vegetable farmer area (Garut). Samples frompaddy farmer area were taken by using random sampling technique, while those from vegetable farmer area weretaken by using census method. Then data verification was conducted toward 206 farmers who were the clients of theagricultural extension agents. Data collection was conducted during February to April 2009. Data were analyzedusing descriptive technique and regression analysis. The result of the study showed that the extent of mediautilization tended to be at a low level. Several dominant factors influenced their media utilization.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 7, Nomor 2 Juli 2009


Persepsi Pemirsa tentang Tayangan Infotainment di Televisi Kasus Pemirsa Di Bojong Gede, Bogor

Sukarelawati .




This research purposes to know and study the characteristic and perception of the audiences towards theinfotainment program on television and the relation between them. The research was conducted in PerumahanGaperi, Bojong Gede, since November 2008 until 26 January 2009. The research design uses correlation descriptivesurvey with questioner as a primary instrument data collection. Sampling of this research uses simple randomsampling procedure. The amount samples are 80 citizens of Perumahan Gaperi Bojong Gede. The data wereanalyzed descriptively such as the distribution of frequency and infere ntial analyze uses rank Spearman correlationanalyze and Chi-Square. The results indicate that the characteristic of the audiences, such as sex does not havecorrelation to the information value, and the attractiveness of the program format, the age does not have correlationto the information value, but there has negative correlation to the attractiveness of program format, the audiencesexposure does not have correlation to the information value and the attractiveness of the program format, there haspositive correlation between the audiences frequency watching the program to the information value, but does nothave correlation to the attractiveness of the program format, only the occupation and the past experience of theaudiences have correlation to the information value and the attractiveness of the program format. The infotainmentwas inclined to having negative attention or uneducated from some others, so it was normally if the program wasreviewed by the television producer. The attractiveness of the program format tends having not correlation to theaudiences, according to the result above it should be better if the producer of the television increases the moreinteresting to the program format, such as increasing the consistency and objectivity of the information in order tothe infotainment has a bright value for the audiences.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Peran Komunikasi Pembangunan dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir

  1. Amanah




Status and condition of coastal community relate to several factors included ecological characteristics, socioecconomic and cultural characteristics, natural and geographical characteristics, government policy, local wisdomand knowledge, and their cosmopolites. Up to now, the coastal community especially small fishery communities stillface the problems of lack of information, limited access of asset and capital, and dependency to the externalassistances. This situation was also found at the north Bali, whereas most of the fishery communities ran theirbusinesses traditionally. Effective development communication strategy and program would help the community to bemore aware of coastal resources management. The study was conducted at the Gerokgak and Buleleng District,North Bali. A number of 128 respondents involved in the research and 10 informal leaders contributed informationabout various program in the region. Research results showed that development communication was urged to beable to provide more facilitation in terms of empowering the fishery group, capacity improvement of the group incoastal resources management; enlarging people choices, implementing participatory approaches, and strengtheningnetwork to support the community in managing the business.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Paradigma Pendayagunaan Teknologi Informasi Menyongsong Masyarakat Global

  1. B. Seminar




In this global era, information technology (IT) has been aggressively developed and utilized for enhancing thevarious and dynamic needs of human beings in this world. This technology provides a new paradigm to individuals,groups, organizations, or business entities to interact, communicate, promote, share, invite, and cooperate to eachother electronically without space and time borders. However, the vital opportunity provided by IT must be smartlyand wisely responded by humans or organizations to achieve the best platform of implementation and utilization of ITto face the great challenge of globalization and competitiveness. The main mission of humans is to introduce worldwideprosperity, safety and sustainability for well beings. Therefore, the new paradigm for utilizing informationtechnology must focus on and comply with three pillars: (1) vision and mission of humans as the manager of earth,(2) the vision and mission of humans’ welfare & prosperity, and (3) vision and mission of enterprise/organization forrunning excellent business processes. This paper discusses various opportunities and strategies for utilizinginformation technologies for achieving the best performance and benefit to cope with global societies and challenges.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Hambatan-hambatan Komunikasi yang Dirasakan Peternak dalam Pembinaan Budidaya Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Ogal Ilir

  1. Rosana, A. Saleh, Hadiyanto .




Effective communication can influence receiver attitude in order to accept innovation while its effectivity will declineby various factors. This research designed to describe individual characteristics and communication activities,communication barriers of cattle farmer in Ogan Ilir District, to analyze correlation of individual characteristics andcommunication activity to communication barrier and to analyze correlation between individual characteristics tocommunication activity of cattle farmer in Ogan Ilir Regency. The results were 1) Cattle farmers individualcharacteristics generally middle aged, elementary school graduated, low income, less experienced in cattle raising,low cosmopolite and good knowledge of cattle raising. While highest score in communication activity werecommunication methods, followed by group engagement, communication direction, communication intensity andinformation seeking respectively, 2) the most communication barrier felt by farmers are attention and friendliness,followed by prejudice, expectation gap and needs gap, 3) Generally, there was significant correlation betweenindividual characteristics to communication barrier for experience, cosmopolite and knowledge level, 4) there wassignificant correlation between communication activity to communication barriers and 5) generally, there wassignificant correlation between individual characterstics with communication activity for age, education, income,experience, cosmopolite and knowledge level. Based on the result, it was concluded that there was significantcorrelation between farmer factor and communication activity to communication barrier in order to improveproductivity cattle farmers in Ogan Ilir Regency.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Peran Komunikasi dalam Modernisasi Pertanian Berbasis Koperasi

  1. A. Rangkuti




Modern agricultural development is largely determined by the acceleration of productivity improvement, quality andvalue-added production to agribusiness and agro-industry approach. Since the development of the green revolution,agricultural technology and agricultural business management in the country has developed rapidly, especially inincreasing the production of various food commodities through the development program planned by the government.To encourage increased capacity of farmers towards the realization of a more modern agriculture the government toprovide top down approach guidance through the extension program and the spread of agricultural extension fieldworkers (PPL). The process of technological innovation and adoption of agricultural business management hasoccurred through the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD), but it has an impact on the dependence of farmers to thegovernment and adoption of technological innovation has decreased (stagnant). Independence and competitiveness offarmers through KUD has decreased, consequently increasing agricultural productivity also hampered and economicconditions of farmers highly dependent on government aid with very weak competitiveness. Entering the era ofglobalization with a very dynamic communication technologies development require a sustainable modernagriculture development model with agribusiness and agro-industry approach to farmer competitiveness based onstrengthening farmer agricultural cooperative. Performance and capacity of agricultural cooperatives will beenhanced if there is a KUD arrangement and able to take advantage of the available information optimally. To buildan independent and competitive agricultural cooperative, need to develop a specific leading commodity programs inits working areas as agribusiness development area (KPA) as the concept of OTOP (One Tambon One Product)which has been implemented in Thailand and Japan. The role of cooperative organizations communications withtwo-way communication model (convergence) can support the synergy of cooperation with other economic actorstowards the realization of a more modern agriculture.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Analisis Teori Performance dan Positioning dalam Komunikasi Pembangunan Berwawasan Gender

  1. V. S. Hubeis, R. S. H. Mulyandari




Formative and positioning theories are the critique of structuralism and critical theory. In the formative perspectiveand gender positioning, there is a consequence of the semiotic practices, as a sign of deviation patterns of adaptationand negotiation position of a subject. Participation of the performance of gender can be done through mimicry andsubversion rhetoric and understanding the intersection of gender with race, class, sexuality, ethnicity, andnationality. According to formative theory, gender or sexuality oppression is more of an ideological oppression andrepresentation. Formative and positioning theories describe the relationship between subjects, discourses, practices,and position. The development of post structuralism theory manifests a constellation of challenges and newmethodologies and adapts into a feminist critique of structuralism with methodological theory and new horizons,especially Post-Structuralism Discourse Analysis (PDA), which is directed at the meso level and the conversationfocused on understanding the structure of actions speaking (words and deeds) which is limited by reference to socialforces. PDA and then developed into a Post-Structuralism Feminist Discourse Analysis (FPDA). Forms ofparticipatory development communication perspective in the perspective of gender performance and positioningtheory state that the concept of empowerment of women in development is more focused on the patterns ofconversation, dialogue and dialectic process that includes grassroots forum for dialogue, a new function ofparticipatory communications on media, knowledge sharing on an equal footing, and Development SupportCommunication Model (DSC).





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas Modal Sosial dan Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Pendamping Pengembangan Masyarakat

  1. Susanto




Based on normal situation effective and successful community development are indicated by severalevidence, namely: improvement of welfare state of the whole segments of the community, development ofsocial trust, improvement of awareness of the community with regard to their potentials, their real needs,their problems in achieving their needs, and getting alternatives of solution to break their problems byutilizing their potentials, people are innovated to get better lives, and finally their have great motivationto be self reliance and develop more inter-dependency with other systems. To obtain such qualifiedcommunity development the role of so-called as partners or insider and outsider change agents of thecommunity is absolutely needed. Commonly, the community cannot sharply know themselves very well.They need somebodies, insider and or outsider individuals who professionally have potentials andcompetencies to develop them in such, that through working together they may achieve better lives. Thecommunity partners in development are those individuals who have prepared themselves through variouslearning processes, who ideally have unique characteristics such as: high empathy, highly care to others,sensitive, have qualified personality, have highly capability to utilize their senses, have highly capabilityin communication, and very consistent in talking and doing which the community are eager to trust andexpress their needs. But unfortunately, based on field studies done by several doctorate candidates showthat the partners of the community on development have not possessed such high qualification. Most ofthem in some district areas in Jawa and outer Jawa Island need more training to improve their socialcapital capacity, and their quality of human resources as well. Consequently, we need smart anddiliguent strategy on how to improve competencies of the partners of the community development throughlearning processes in such, that sooner or later their roles will provide positive impact on the bettermentof quality of life of the community.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 1 Februari 2010


Saluran Komunikasi Kelompok Berbasis Gender pada Komunitas Petani Sayuran Organik (Kasus di Megamendung Kabupaten Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat)

  1. Matindas, A.V.S. Hubeis, A. Saleh




In development, it is often mentioned that women are less active because of lack the opportunity to get access toagricultural information. Group communication is one channel through which agricultural information is obtained.Understanding the group communication channels selected by male and female farmers can help show separate dataof male and female farmers. The objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the characteristics of male and femalefarmers as the group types in the communities of organic vegetable farmers, (2) to analyze the differences in thematerials of agricultural information they look for, and (3) to identify the differences in seeking agriculturalinformation through group channels.The study was conducted in the sub-district of Sukagalih, District ofMegamendung, Regency of Bogor, with the survey method of descriptive analysis. It used the stratificationtechnique of disproportionate random sampling and obtained 30 male farmers and 30 female farmers of organicvegetables. The results indicate that agricultural information often sought by male farmers, were the aspects ofenvironment, production and harvesting because these were related to their productive activities on farmland.Meanwhile, women often looked for information on the aspect of harvesting, because they were active in theproductive activities on farmland. The group channels used by men to get agricultural information were farmergroups and social lottery groups. On the other hand women always use families as a group channels because theycould any time discuss with conveniently. The difference in the need for agricultural information between men andwomen is the aspects of environment, harvesting, post-harvesting, and institution. The difference in the groupchannels chosen by men and women is the farmer groups, social lottery groups, cooperation and families. Not all ofthe group channels are effective in giving agricultural information, knowledge and skills to both gender. Obtainingagricultural information is the need of men and women and is a cycle that continues to occur.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Analisis Sistem Kerja Cyber Extension Mendukung Peningkatan Keberdayaan Petani Sayuran

  1. S. H. Mulyandari, Sumardjo ., D. P. Lubis, N. K. Pandjaitan




Agricultural information is one of the most important factors of production and there is no doubt that this can lead todevelopment. The effective integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the agriculturalsector through cyber extension will lead to sustainable agriculture by providing timely and relevant agriculturalinformation, which will enable farmers make informed decisions on farming to increase productivity. The objective ofthe research is to analyze the system of cyber extension mechanism supporting the vegetable farmer empowerment.ICT application in cyber extension implementation can greatly improve farmers’ accessibility to market information,commodity inputs, and consumer trends which positively impact on the quality and the quantity of their produce.Information on marketing, new plant and animal management practice, pest and diseases, transport availability, newmarketing opportunities and market prices of farm input and output is very important to an efficient and productiveeconomy. The analysis of cyber extension mechanism was conducted based on the characteristic of system areboundary, environment, input, output, process, storage, and interface. The synergy between the subsystems to eachother is critical in the performance of the agricultural innovation process into outputs that benefit the othersubsystems. In accordance with the characteristics of the cyber extension working system in the area was influent bythe environment that produce output that is stored either permanently or temporarily. Interface is an element of thesystem to ensure the synergy among the subsystems within the system cyber extension working smoothly. Cyberextension is a communication method of agricultural innovation by using new communication media that integratesinformation technology tools to communicate information to the user faster. Therefore, analysis of the cyber extensionsystem with the black box theory illustrates the system with attention to the desired output and the output is notdesired. Mechanisms of maintenance and provision of relevant and timely input offset with socialization andassistance in the utilization of information technology for vegetable farmers in accessing information as needed is aneffort to optimize the cyber extension utilization so that it can support the empowerment process of vegetable farmers.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Peranan Pengambil Kebijakan dalam Pengembangan Masyarakat

  1. Hubeis




System of government in Indonesia that has been changed from centralized (top-down) to decentralized (bottom-up)or autonomous regions (Regional Autonomy) is marked based on the Law No. 22/1999 on Regional Government,which was revised by Law No. 32/2004 and supported by Law No. 25/2004 (a combination of top-down and bottomupapproaches). In this case, policy makers as professionals have an important role in the development effectively,namely the Supervision and Control. Policy regarding institutional arrangements (policy level) and the limits ofautonomy in collective decision-making process in accordance with the strata in Indonesia, according to the policylevel, the title and its implementation, involves a variety of development actors (ABG-C: Academician, Business,Government and Community). Policies in community development is the crystallization of the design communityneeds that cannot be separated from the matters that empower and restrict it from the pressures ofideological/cultural and structural, as well as active involvement of communities in the process of day-to-day policy.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Pemanfaatan Information and Communication Technology dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Masyarakat Global

  1. V. S. Hubeis




The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the process of work simplification and expansion ofaccess to many parties has believed to have changed the communication patterns in the daily community life, andalso to understand that ICT is an important aspect underlying the process of globalization. In this case, thegovernment’s role is very important in implementing the ICT regulation in the public sector. As one of the maininitial foundation, the government has published ITE Law in 2008. The government is also faced with the issue ofdigital divide which can become obstacles in the process of ICT capacity building in Indonesia. The issue ofpreparation of ICT-based human resources, economic development and industry applying ICT as a supportingbusiness process, expanding access to information, cultural and social evolution of government governance areelement factors that are believed to play an important role in the development of ICT-based global society.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Pengaruh Pola Komunikasi Keluarga dalam Fungsi Sosialisasi Keluarga terhadap Perkembangan Anak

  1. Sari, A.V.S. Hubeis, S. Mangkuprawira, A. Saleh




This research explain that the family communications pattern analysis, function of socialization of family, form ofcommunication happened at family who live in setlement and countrified in Bekasi City. Besides, also to knowdevelopment of child of of the the family. Method which in using in this research is descriptive method usesdescriptive survey design, data analysis Statistik by using Lisrel version 8.70. Result of research indicates thatcommunications pattern to family in setlement is more usingly is combination pattern between patterns laisez-faire,protektif, pluralistik, and konsensual. Its use in corresponding to various conditions and situation when mothering.Function of active socialization, passive and radical in using in combination by family who live in setlement andcountrified. In mother tongue usage ( area), both types of the family applies for inuring and recognition to child ofchild of they.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Persepsi Petani tentang Saluran Komunikasi Usahatani Padi

  1. R. Pertiwi, A. Saleh




Serang District is a one of four districts of Banten Province which resulted high production of paddy, at the westregion of Java Island. This condition must be defended with introduced paddy farming innovation continuously, whatsubmitted trough various of communication channel. The research objectives were: (1) to describe theinnovativeness characteristics of paddy farmers, (2) to know the perception of paddy farmers on extensioncommunication channel, (3) to analyze the relationship between the innovativeness characteristics of paddy farmerswith their perception about extension communication channels. This research was conducted with the survey methodsand observations in the three Serang subdistricts, including Ciruas, Carenang and Tirtayasa. The determination ofthe sample done in random sampling, with the number of samples of 136 people. The correlation analysis ofvariables is done through Spearman rank correlation test. Reasearch results were: the innovativeness characteristicsof paddy farmers were classified, except on the level of risk, including category bad; perception of farmers about thecommunication channels was good on the financing aspect, both interpersonal and media; farmer innovativenesscharacteristics correlated significantly with the perception of interpersonal and media communication channels,except ownership of capital







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Komunikasi Pembangunan dengan Aksentuasi Komunikasi Politik

  1. Aly




Communication development in globalization era is getting more and more important and significant since everyparty and the stakeholders have to work hand in hand in fair and honest way to achieve a better quality of socialorder. All parties and the stakeholders can optimize their part if they have intellectual vision, make good use of theinformation networking, and keep a good relation with everyone. Political communication approach demands thepolitical elite and the community leader to care and commit themselve to the betterment of the nation. The main pointis the communication development is airing at improving the life quality of everyone in every level of life.











Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 8, Nomor 2 Juli 2010


Strategi Meningkatkan Keberdayaan Keluarga Miskin Pedesaan

  1. Toha, A. Saleh




Poor rural families were part of rural society which need to improved was resources, in order that they could effordto run family function, had creativity in economy, social, physicology and sociology, that kind of creativity, poorfamilies hopefully could build harmonies in their life. These research had correlation descriptive character whichpurposes; (a) analyzing factors that cause poverty, (b) analyzing characteristic of poor families from social economyaspect, physical characteristic, physicology characteristic and sociology characteristic (c) knowing and analyzingdependability pattern of triggering factors and characteristic of poor families in promoting capability of poorfamilies (c) building strategies to promote capability of poor families according to trigger factor and characteristicof rural poor families. Research result showed internal environment and external factors which influenced capabilityof poor families in rural area. Trigger factor that emerge poor families were, poverty was already inherit by theirelderly, because their elderly didn’t have wide farmland, low education background (they didn’t pass the elementaryschool in average), didn’t have other skills beside farming. There were obvious correlation among social economy,social capital, local intelegence and capability of poor families. According to data and information that acquiredfrom the research. Therefore strategic concept was made and pointed, empowering competence of personalimplementer of government program in subdistrict level empowering poor families competence, promoting poorfamilies participation in government and private programs that operation in rural area. Build poor families networkwith business world in marketing their farm product and giving them facilitation to get capital, seeds and tools thataccording to compete development that given to poor peoples.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 1 Februari 2011


Studi Kualitatif Sosialisasi Dan Komunikasi Program Layanan Internet Kecamatan Melalui FGD Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Provinsi Bengkulu

Abubakar Iskandar





Socialization qualitatif study and communication program of rural  internet services through focus discussion group for community development in provinci of Bengkulu. The aims of this research was:  To determine the extent of coordination and cross-level communication (Bappeda, Dinas Kominfo, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, Dinas Koperasi  dan Usaha Kecil  Menengah, Dinas Perhubungan, Perguruan Tinggi dan Tokoh  masyarakat) in optimizing  the program of internet services district (PLIK). The research design was qualitative descriptive.

A sample of this research using two or more cluster gradually. Collected data are primary and secondary data. Techniques used in this research were interviews, focus group discussion, observation and documentation. Data analysis in this research was a qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis reached by applying content analysis techniques. The result showed that: (1) The lack of socialization and cross-level communication about PLIK (internet service district program); (2) Performance of provincial coordinators, facilitators, and manager was not optimal in optimizing PLIK; (3) The persistence of corruption and the status of several computer devices “off” and (4) Socialization, communication, and a good IT training can be to the participants, advocates in the province of Bengkulu, if in accordance with the concept that has been selected by expert team.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 1 Februari 2011


Berita Utama Surat Kabar Lokal di Bogor Studi Analisis Isi pada Jurnal Bogor dan Radar Bogor

Maria Fitriah, Fadlya El’Arsya





Headlines in the newspapers a magnet for readers. Every day people are alyaws served headlines containing about economics, finance, conflicts, politics, law, disaster, and social problems. The headlines should have more value, proximity, conflict and human interest are some of the news value.  The themes and values in the headlines studied using this analysis with a quantitative approach and then know the most dominant themes and news values are most widely used in determining the headlines. The reaserach object is the local daily newspaper in Bogor, Jurnal Bogor and Radar Bogor as a sample. The results showed that most major news theme dominant newspaper in Bogor on Februari 15, 2012 to March 15, 2012 is the theme of news related to disaster and tragedy. Meanwhile, most of the major news theme using actual news the value as the determination of the appropriateness of the news headlines.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 1 Februari 2011


Efektivitas Komunikasi Program Optimalisasi Lahan Pekarangan

Restiawan Permana, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Djoko Susanto, Amiruddin Saleh





For change and renewal in society, effectiveness communications is needed so as to produce a change in the rate of cognitive, affective, and conative. In the Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) program, effectiveness communications is absolutely essential for their future as a program participant is able to adopt and implement the optimalization of their backyards so as not to let it alone. The purpose of this study were to (1) analyze the effectiveness communications KRPL program in the Mulyasari Village Ciampel District Karawang of West Java, (2) analyze the relationship between individual characteristics variable and external factors variable to the effectiveness communications variable of KRPL program in the Mulyasari Village Ciampel District Karawang of West Java, and (3) analyze the relationship between the effectiveness communications variable of KRPL program with the optimalization of backyard variable in the Mulyasari Village Ciampel District Karawang of West Java. The study were designed to use quantitative survey methods explanation research. These results indicate that (1) KRPL program conducted in the Mulyasari Village District Ciampel Karawang of West Java is quite effective at the level of cognitive, affective, and conative. It is evident that most participants KRPL program can understand the information they get from the instructor of the program, they also want to implement this optimalization program of their backyards, and they also run the program from The Ministry of Agriculture in optimize their backyards that they have, (2) individual characteristics significantly and positively related to the effectiveness communication is an indicator of education and yard area. The external factor significantly and positively related to the effectiveness communication is an access to information, public policy, and the illumination intensity, and (3) effectiveness communications (cognitive, affective, conative) of KRPL program significantly and positively related to optimalization of their utilization backyards.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 1 Februari 2011


Hubungan Motivasi dan Pola Menonton dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pemirsa pada Program Berita Topik ANTV

Marwan Albab





Televisi merupakan media komunikasi massa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi ataupun hiburan. Oleh sebab itu, khalayak dapat menentukan sendiri pilihan acara yang ditontonnya. Pendekatan ini sering disebut sebagai pendekatan uses and gratification. Program berita Topik ANTV merupakan salah satu program berita yang dipilih khalayak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi guna memperluas wawasannya. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara motivasi, pola menonton dan tingkat kepuasan pemirsa pada program berita Topik ANTV. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Komplek perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, dengan pertimbangan populasi penduduk di wilayah Kelurahan Sukatani, Kecamatan Tapos, Kota Depok ini banyak pendatang dari berbagai daerah (heterogen). Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode teknik survai dalam tipe penelitian eksplanatory. Jumlah sampel responden yang diambil sebanyak 85 orang. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Proportional Stratified Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aspek motivasi memiliki hubungan sangat nyata dengan pola menonton, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi rank Spearman 0,290 (p<0,01). Adanya hubungan yang nyata jika dilihat dari nilai koefisien korelasi rank Spearman 0,264 (p<0,01) antara motivasi menonton dengan tingkat kepuasan  menonton program berita Topik ANTV.Adanya hubungan yang sangat nyata dari nilai koefisien korelasi rank Spearman 0,345 (p<0,01) antara pola menonton dengan tingkat kepuasan  menonton program berita Topik ANTV.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 1 Februari 2011


Keragaan Komunikasi Pada Gapoktan Penerima Dana Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan Di Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Riau

Susy Hartati, Amiruddin Saleh, Basita Sugihen





Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP) is a program that focuses in reducing poverty and also creating a huge work field in rural area by providing venture capital to support on farm and off farm activities. Farmers’ association group (gapoktan) as an implementer of PUAP has a pivotal function to distribute incentives, venture capital, and also as the managers of all the programs given. From that perspective gapoktan holds an important role for the success of this program. Communication process among group members in gapoktan and interpersonal communication between agents of change and the gapoktan needed to be inquired because it was estimated as one of the important factor that influencing PUAP program. The objectives of this research were: (1) to describe the characteristic and the communication process (2) to see the communication among agents of change (3) to see the role and the ability of gapoktan (4) to analysis the correlation between all of the variables. This research resulted several outputs, namely: The characteristics were categorized good, role and the ability were not enough, communication of gapoktan was good and the communication agents of change were not enough until less than not enough. There were a significant correlation between the characteristics with the communication of gapoktan, between the communication of agents of change with the role of gapoktan and between role with ability of farmers’ group association.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 2 Juli 2011


Respons Instansi Terhadap Program Kiwari Rri Bogor Dalam Pelayanan Publik (Rumah Sakit PMI dan PT TASPEN Bogor)

C Maydiana, Amiruddin Saleh





The RRI Bogor Kiwari’s program besides has a role to increase the quality of public service which helped by dependent instances like The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor also has other role to provide public service to fulfill the listener’s needs that effected the listener’s satisfaction to the instances worthiness services through Bogor Kiwari’s programme as a place to keep and tell the society’s sights. The aims of this research are: (1) to analyze the instances’s responses to the Kiwari RRI Bogor’s programme of public services in Bogor, (2) to analyze the actions of professional instances services in Bogor, (3) to analyze the models of professional instances services to public in Bogor. The data were taken and collected on January until February 2010. This research was used constructivist paradigm. The research subjects and key informans were the leaders and staffs of The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor that became a messenger as speakers in Bogor Kiwari’s talk show programme and also RRI Bogor’s staff who concerned about Bogor Kiwari’s programme. The data were taken by using technique of data collection through: document study, observation, indepth interview and FGD. The results of this research were: (1) Bogor Kiwari’s programme got enough satisfaction responses from The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor; (2) The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor when done the actions had three aspects, namely: (a) quality of service, (b) efficiency and appropriate actions, (c) employee rationalization; (3) The services  strategies that done by The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor were quick and exact service to overcome public’s sights, had coordination with government, given the satisfy facilitations.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 2 Juli 2011


Komunikasi Partisipatif Pada Program Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga (Studi Kasus di RW 05 Kelurahan Situgede, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor)

I Satriani, P Muljono, R.W.E. Lumintang





Empowerment occurred if individuals or communities were assigned to discuss their daily need, especially in education and health matter. And also the topics were focused in political and economic issues. Empowerment program in alleviating poverty and improving the quality of human resources, promoted by Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM), LPPM IPB, cooperated with Damandiri Post  Family Empowerment (Posdaya) program. This particular cooperation leading to develop Posdaya poverty community at different level, such were village, hamlet and RW. The objectives of study were: to analyze the role of companion, community leader in Posdaya activities, the participatory communication and its impact to community as well. The research was a constructivist paradigm, located in RW 05 Situgede village, West Bogor, Bogor. The research was conducted in April May, 2011. The study result was the P2SDM-IPB companion as well as consultant task always coodinated by Posdaya Kenanga. The Situgede village, especially RW 05 had several ultimate tasks, included: cadres supervising, training and motivating. Internal involvement Posdaya Kenanga leaders were: providing insight, advice, criticism and building ideas for sustainability activities. The participatory communication occurred in Posdaya Kenanga were: access, heteroglasia, poliponi, dialogue and carnival. Benefit of cadres were: information and knowledge sharing, problem solving and familiarity relationship. Refers to participatory communication among cadres, they could work optimally as well as equaly right to submit opinions, suggestions, and criticism. As a result, their responsibility increased.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 2 Juli 2011


Opini Publik tentang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Suralaya

  1. Fitriah





The purposes of this research: (1) to analyse public opinion about PLTU Suralaya, (2) to analyse effect of newspaper, public relations, opinion leader, and experience. This research conducting in PLTU Suralaya area, Cilegon, Banten, on January until March 2010. Population of its research is around PLTU Suralaya community. Sample of research the pain according to stratified random sampling amount 343 respondens. Collecting data conducted by observation, questioner, interview, FGD, and documentation study. Data analyses by gamma correlation with SPSS program. Public opinion influenced by opinion leader and experience. In spite of newspaper and opinion leader was not influence public opinion. Based on research result, coal ash to result in air polution among other thing to influence health, to destroy agriculture, and to durty goods. But is not man source positioning fish in the sea. Meanwhile PLTU Suralaya give positive effect in economic side, enviroment condition and is not agree that PLTU Suralaya sound to appear noises. Negative public opinion about coal ash wich influence health, to destroy agriculture, and to durty goods can be minimized by community development programm. Newspaper factor and public relations is not influence public opinion. But opinion leader and experince wich is influence public opinion. Opinion leader factor in function and message of religion figure and public figure to be able to influence to establish public opinion.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 2 Juli 2011


Strategi Pengembangan Komunikasi Massa Dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Pertanian Dengan Pendekatan Jati Diri Bangsa Yang Berorientasi Pada Budaya

Cahyono Tri Wibowo, Sumardjo ., D. Hafidhuddin, S. S Agung





The results of  analysis about  the nation’smorality decline causes by  lack of filteringtheinterferenational culture morality, the nation’s culturaldamage, and lack of the educationalmode forthe communitycharacter.  Condition ofthe nation’s culturaldamage causes by the influences offoreignculture  (Westernization),  lack of  educationand  theunderstanding and practising of religion, and lack of preservation ofthe nation’snoblecultural values.  The effects of  that causes are the national identity decline and  lack ofcommunity participationin supportingagricultural development, and  the end  is  lessdevelopment ofmass communicationsin supportingagricultural developmentwiththe nation’sidentity approach based on  the culture orientation.The improvement of Indonesia nation’s  moralitycan be done by the establishment and enforcement  of govermentpoliciesare neededin order tofilter thenation’s culture,  keepingthe noble values ​​ofnational culture, and increasing the charactereducation/nation’s character.  Keepingthe noble values ​​ofnational culture can  be done by promoting the valuable of nation’s culturalvalues,  practices thereligiousvalues​​into real action, and continuous the preservingnational culture and monitoring ofthatactivities. If the moralityof Indonesia nations is improved  then communityparticipation increased and  the national identity is more solid, the last societyhasan activeparticipationinthe development ofmasscommunicationwiththe nation’sidentity approach that oriented to theculture of Indonesia.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 9, Nomor 2 Juli 2011


Pengaruh Kredibilitas Dan Kepribadian Dosen Dalam Mengajar Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Jurusan Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

  1. Nurfalah, L. Maya, Widiyanti .





This implies that the learning process is a lecturer and student interaction process based on a didactic relationship in order to achieve educational goals. The purpose of this study namely: (1) To determine the influence of the credibility‘s lecturers to student learning motivation, (2) To determine the influence of personality lecturers to student learning motivation, (3) To determine the effect of credibility and personality of  lecturers to student learning motivation. The research method used  was descriptive survey method, with a relatively large population in a way determine a representative sample of the population, by spreading questionare. With quantitative analysis techniques, namely the study variables analyzed with statistical formulas were supported by data. The research result were (1) There is a positive and significant effect between the credibility of lecturers in teaching to student learning motivation 22,6% with a large influence of X1 (credibility) 0,424; (2) There is a positive and significant effect between personality lecturers in teaching to student learning motivation at 14,6% with a large influence of X2 (Personality) 0,316; (3) There are positive and significant between the effects of credibility and personality to the teaching faculty in student learning motivation was 37,2% or 0,372





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 1 Februari 2012


Strategi Komunikasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Perantau Minangkabau Dan Penduduk Asli

  1. Arif





Retail dealer originated is one of the informal sectors which are deeply involved by some of group societies. One of them come from ethnic of Minangkabau who live in Jatibarang market. In the Jatibarang market, retail dealer originated not only come from Minang ethnics but also natives. The aim of this research are: (1) to analyzed the difference of communications strategy retail dealer originated of Minangkabau ethnics compare with natives in Jatibarang market, (2) to analyzed the relation of communications strategy retail dealer originated between Minangkabau ethnics and natives with perception of buyer concerning understanding, motivation and fascination buy, (3) to formulate effective communications strategy for retail dealer originated in Jatibarang market. Research method used descriptive of data and correlation analysis with SPSS version 12.00 program. Test of statistic used Rank Spearman to see the relation between test and variable. T-Test was used to see the difference between two merchants. Amount of responders counted 60 buyer people. Result of research showed: (1) communications strategy retail dealer originated of Minangkabau ethnics using verbal and non verbal, so do the natives. (2) by verbal, there were no difference between retail dealer originated of Minang ethnics and natives. But by non verbal there were differences. (3) Buyer had low perception in understanding to retail dealer originated of minang ethnics, high in fascination and also high in motivation to buy. While of natives merchant, buyer also low in understanding, average in fascination and high in motivation to buy. (4) Communications strategy of verbal at retail dealer originated of Minang ethnics had relation with understanding, motivation and fascination to buy. By non verbal only relating to understanding. While at retail dealer originated of natives, by verbal relate to understanding and by non verbal with fascination and understanding. (5) Effective communications strategy for retail dealer originated in Jatibarang market was by verbal address and passes in, while by non verbal smile, body position and display the products.


Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 1 Februari 2012


Representation Of Communication Between Cultures And Moral Messages In Animation Film (Study Analysis Of Animation Film “Upin Ipin” In MNC TV)

  1. S. Dewi





Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the film is not only a favorite of children but also teenagers and adults. Animation is quite booming in Indonesia, evidenced by the many different types of merchandise available. Even well-Ipin Upin ringtune often heard from many people mobile phones. When compared to interest in watching the people of Indonesia from children to adults the interest and hobby watch television much higher than the interest in reading. Seeing this condition, the TV should present the impressions of quality, especially for moral education and ethics are packaged in films or entertainment for viewers, not least the kids like in the movies Upin Ipin.

The film picked up the different cultures in Malaysia as Malay, China, India and Indonesia. Representation of children of different cultures that will be examined in this research. In particular how cross-cultural communication and the moral messages that exist in the animated film upin this. The research was a qualitative discourse analysis, more in particular is of critical discourse analysis (Critical Discourse Analysis / CDA), Fairclough Entman model, it is used to see the meaning contained behind the animated film. Fairclough divides discourse analysis in three dimensions: text, discourse practice and sociocultutal practice.

There were several important findings in this study, can generally be described that in the animated film-Ipin Upin laden with moral messages are packaged in a diversity of cultural backgrounds in the community “village windfall.” Highlighting the attributes and traditions of the three major tribes in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian). Imply a unity and togetherness of the diversity of cultural / tribal in Malaysia.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 1 Februari 2012


Bentuk Komunikasi Organisasi Melalui Kegiatan Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan Untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Studi PT PERTAMINA REFINERY Unit VI BALONGAN)

I Situmeang, D.P. Lubis, A. Saleh





Corporate social responsibility is one of organizational communication form. Through this organizational communication form corporate hopes can build a good relationship with community. The main problem from this research was: what Form/Type of organizational communication performed by PT Pertamina Refinery Balongan to empowering community? The objective of this research was: to analyze form/type of organizational communication conducted by PT Pertamina Refinery Balongan to empowering community. This research was designed aa description research. Primary data was obtained through interview, observation and documentasi. Secondary data obtained from Pertamina company profile, CSR profile and literature study.

The resulted output from this research was: in order to build a good relationship between corporate and community PT Pertamina Refinery Balongan conducted organizational communication by using PENCILS mix Principle (publication, event, news, community involvement, inform or image, lobbying and negotiation, social responsibility). Corporate Social Responsibility conducted by PT Pertamina Refinery Balongan covered economic sector, social sector, and environmental sector. The main goal from this corporate social responsibility is to empower the people of Balongan.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 1 Februari 2012


Pola Komunikasi Pada Pengembangan Kapasitas Kewirausahaan Petani Sayuran (Kasus Pendampingan Misi Teknik Taiwan di Kabupaten Boyolali dan Bogor)

Cahyono Tri Wibowo, Sumardjo ., Didin Hafidhuddin, Sarwititi S Agung





CAHYONO TRI WIBOWO, Communication Pattern on Vegetable Farmers’ Entrepreneurship Capacity development, Case: Taiwan Technical Mission Assistance. Supervised by SUMARDJO as Head of Supervisory Commission; DIDIN HAFIDHUDDIN and SARWITI S. AGUNG as Commission Members.

The objectives of this research were: (1) To analyze  effect of characteristic factors such as social dynamic, physical environment, farmers’ characteristics  and socio-economic environment of entrepreneurship communication patterns of  vegetable farmers in Taiwan’s technical missions in two districts in Indonesia. (2) To ensure important factors that will  strongly influence the increasing of entrepreneurship capacity of vegetable farmers in Taiwan’s technical missions in two districts in Indonesia. (3) To formulate effective communication pattern for entrepreneurship capacity development efforts of  vegetable farmer in the Taiwan’s technical mission in Indonesia two districts. This research resulted several outputs, namely: (1) Communication pattern of farmers’ entrepreneurship in Taiwan’s technical mission was categorized good enough and significantly influenced by group dimensions i.e membership and group climate on social dynamics. (2) The development of farmers’ entrepreneurship capacity in Taiwan’s technical mission was categorized good and it was directly influenced by  education level characteristics and farmers’ business experiences, it was also influenced by  physical environment on  dimensions of communication infrastructure and technology characteristics, it was significantly influenced by socio-economic environment on dimension of support social system and mass media information, and also significantly affected by family support dimension, institutional support and local knowledge functioning of socio-economic environment and significantly influenced by  dialogic dimension on  farmers’ communication entrepreneurship pattern. (3) Effective communication patterns regarding development of entrepreneurship capacity of  farmers was dialogic communication patterns,and communication pattern itself were strengthened by these factors: social dynamic in  dimensions: on group climate and group dimension of membership. (4)  one of the forms of technical skill, social skill, and managerial skill that  potentially can improve and  compete towards farmers were entrepreneur technical skill, social skill, and managerial skill. By improving their technical skill, social skill, and managerial skill, it was expected farmers were able improve their  productivities, income, autonomous which at the end can develop farmers’ welfare in Indonesia.

Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 1 Februari 2012


Perilaku Komunikasi Anggota Komisi IV DPR RI dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat dengan Kementerian Pertanian tahun 2010

H Harahap, S.S. Agung, B. Ginting, D.S. Gani





One function of Parliament is to defend the interests of the people in any government program. Function is reflected in the communication behavior of members of Parliament in the event of a hearing. This study aims to describe the communication behavior of members of the Komisi IV DPR RI in a hearing with the Ministry of Agriculture 2010. Communication behavior is observed from the content of the communication messages that include:  contents of interests, substance,  orientation,  type of reason,  evidence,  clarity, accommodative, and speak act. This study uses content analysis methods and all hearing documents used as research material. The study result  (66.1%) a message containing the public interest, the messages (80.1%) according to the substance of the meeting, orientation (42.1%) solution of the problem, type reasons (62.2%) using a factual, a form of evidence (45 , 5%) narrative, willingness to accept (65.1%) accommodative, sentences (89.9%) are clear and type speak act (51.9%) using assertive.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 2 Juli 2012


Study Patterns Of Assistance Field School Integrated Crop Management Rice In Riau Province

Anis Fahri, Dorlan Sipahutar, Amiruddin Saleh





Study pattern of Assistance Field School Integrated Crop Management (FS-ICM) Rice in Riau Province was conducted in 2011 focused on acquiring data and information (FS-ICM) attending patterns were effective. Experiment was conducting in nine county region of Riau Province. Stipulating location sample of data mining and farming groups in purposive random sampling method. Primary data collected through focus group discussions (FGD),  involved an extension worker, community leaders and participating farmers (FS-ICM) as well as ICM demonstration plot farmer cooperators. Collected data had been validated, and classified regarding clustered  topic in order information distributed related to discussion topics. Moreover, the data was  interpreted by reference and expertise team. Data was analysed by SWOT analysis method (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). The results of internal environmental analysis (ALI), strength variable value was greater than weakness variable value  (379> 355). Results of analysis of the external environment (ALE), the chance variable values is smaller than threat variable value (360 <390). Patterns of innovation assistance accomodated  SL-PTT on aspects bases on  paddy power (potential region, motivation, market access); aspects of weakness bases (Adoption of technology, labor, cost of production); aspects of opportunity bases (Agroecosystems, VUB rice, promotion of innovation SL-PTT); and aspects of threats bases (climate, mentoring systems, technology development).




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 2 Juli 2012


Jaringan Komunikasi Dalam Penerapan Teknologi Produksi Ubi Kayu (Kasus Petani Ubi Kayu Di Desa Suko Binangun, Kecamatan Way Seputih, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Provinsi Lampung)

Ageng Rara Cindoswari





In order to increase cassava production, cassava farmers need an adequate and trusted information to gain their purpose. Fulfilling their information requirement of cassava production technology, farmers establish a communication network among farmers. The objectives of this research were: (1) to describe communication network among farmers (2) to analyze the relationship between internal charactersitics of farmer and the communication network (3) to analyze the relationship between communication network and the implementation of cassava production technology. The unit of analysis were cassavas farmer. A hundred farmers were taken as sample by using sampling intact system.  This research resulted several outputs i.e : (1) communication network about seeds, fertilizer, pets and diseases were radial personal network and communication network about harvest was interlocking personal network (2) there was a significant relationship between income, group involvement, mass media ownership, arable land area with local centrality. There was also a significant correlation between educational level, revenue, group involvement, mass media ownership with global centrality. (3) there was a significant relationship between local centrality, global centrality and the implementation of cassavas production technology.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 2 Juli 2012


Analisis Komunikasi Partisipasi dalam Penyelenggaraan Program Perbaikan Gizi Masyarakat (Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Gizi Masyarakat Pulokerto Kota Palembang)

Ali Alamsyah Kusumadinata, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Ninuk Purnaningsih





Nutrition interventionthrough community empowerment program aims to empower improve people’s nutrition. this research was done  in the district of Pulokerto, Palembang city. The aims of this research were (1) to analyze the meaning of the personal factor in nutrition improvement program, (2) to analyze the group dynamics that occur in nutrition improvement program, (3) to analyze the participatory communication that takes place in the nutrition program. This research was conducted with qualitative methods used the instrumental case study approach. Data was collected by interviewing the participant involved, participating observation and documentation. The results showed that (1) the influence of personal factors in the empowerment program to improve nutrition and motivational factors, affected the perception of community involvement in the program. (2) Factors affecting the dynamics of group empowerment program of activities to improve nutrition, looked at cohesion, leadership and role within the group. (3) The communication mode of participation that occur using monologues and dialogues in the success of nutrition improvement program on community empowerment.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 2 Juli 2012


Efektivitas Variety Show Program Keluarga Berencana Melalui Media Televisi

Damayanti ., Amiruddin Saleh, Richard W.E. Lumintang





The study intended to determine and analyze the effectiveness of variety show family planning television program among teenagers. The variables were communicator characteristics, message, media and communican aspects. Those aspec were analyzed partially and simultaneously. the study was located at SMAN 4 Depok, West Java, during April 2012. The study was designed by using quasi-experimental method with explanative correlations. Sampling method was  simple random method. Respondens was totally 80 students, devided into two groups: 40 students as a control group, and 40 students was treated. Data was analyze by descriptive frequency, Path analysis, t test, and Kendall’s tau b correlation. Result study indicated the program was highly effective. The treated group indicated more aware about family planning program than the control group was. The treated group has more averaged cognitive, affective and conative level than the control group. Meanwhile the communicator characteristics, messages, media and communicant aspect explained the program was more effective for teens, as well as the content, media and communicants aspects. In case of communicans aspect, merely the message influenced.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 10, Nomor 2 Juli 2012


Perilaku Komunikasi Petani dalam pencarian Informasi Pertanian Organik (Kasus Petani bawang merah Di Desa Srigading Kabupaten Bantul)

Ikhsan Fuady, Djuara P. Lubis, Richard W.E. Lumintang





Sustainable agriculture development holds an important issue now days.  Famers’ Communication behaviors in information seeking constitute a pivotal position in order to increase the farmers’ autonomy.  The objectives of this research were: (1) to describe farmers’ communication behavior of organic agriculture cultivation in red-onion farmers, (2) to analyze the correlation between farmers’ communication behavior and red-onion organic agriculture practices, This research was designed qualitatively using survey method.  The data was analyzed using Tau-Kendall Test.  This research produced several results such as: an Organic practice that has been conducted by the farmers was not utterly organic.  The organic performer’s behavior was influenced by communication behavior variable and individual characteristics’.  The farmers’ Autonomy was much correlated with farming activities’ behavior.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 1 Februari 2013


Pengaruh Adopsi Teknologi PHSL (Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi) Berbasis Pertanian Presisi terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi di Desa Jembungan, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah

Faiz Ridhan Faroka, Kudang Boro Seminar, Pudji Muljono






The highly increase of crop production in the future will be a compulsion and utilization of field will be more intensive. Therefore, precise pescription of crop fertilization is required. Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) application is an innovative technology for rice farming through fertilization recommendation based on the principles of precision farming. The SSNM web-based application was developed by IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) in Philippines in collaboration with Agricultural Research & Development Council (LITBANG Pertanian) .The aim of this research is to study the impact, paritcularly on farmers’ income, in utilizing web-based version of SSNM. There was a significant differences in fertilization cost between the usage of SSNM-based farming system and manual-based farming system.. The manual based fertilization cost is Rp 23,078. (12.93 % of total cost) whereas the SSNM-based fertilization cost is Rp 320,065 ( 20.62% of total cost. The application of SSNM was able to increase average rice production about 314.38 kg / hectare and thus farmers income raised to Rp 1,100,328 / hectare.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 1 Februari 2013


Optimalisasi Universal Cervice Obligation Dan Peran Pendampingan Dalam Memperluas Jaringan Internet, Telephone Dan Computer Di Tingkat Kecamatan Melalui Pendekatan Snowball System Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Regional Sumatera

Abubakar Iskandar





Tujuan dari pada penelitian ini adalah memperoleh bentuk konsep program pendampingan dalam pemberdayaan layanan jasa akses telekomunikasi USO, memberikan pendampingan dalam penerapan konsep yang telah terseleksi, merancang modul pelatihan ITC kepada pendamping, mengetahui peran, pengelola ITC, dan mengetahui masalah dan Hambatan yang terjadi pada program ITC. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan “Snowball System”, yaitu pendekatan terhadap orang-orang yang dipandang mengetahui masalah ITC dengan cara mendatangi key person, kemudian key person akan memberitahukan person lain yang mengetahui ITC di tingkat Kecamatan.Hasil wawancara menunjukan bahwa segmen sosial yang paling banyak mengunjungi ITC adalah siswa SLP dan SLA. Siswi dan siswi sebagian besar bermain game dan facebook, sedangkan sebagian kecil mengakses pengetahuan dan mengetik tugas yang diberikan dari sekolah. Sementara itu, segmen orang dewasa lebih banyak mengetik keperluan pribadi dan mengakes infoirmasi penting seperti informasi bisnis, informasi produk harga penjualan misalnya harga sepeda motor, dan lain-lain. Hasil wawancara juga menunjukan bahwa ada hal-hal negatif dan positif muncul di lapangan atau pengelola. Yaitu  terjadinya penyimpangan yaitu korupsi di tingkat kecamatan, dimana ada pengelola ITC yang ditagih secara ilegal oleh  Jasindo dengan berbagai variasi harga mulai dari 5 juta sampai 20 juta dengan pembicaraan bahwa uang disetor baru alat di drop. Celakanya uang ditransfer ke rekening bukan atas nama yang meminta secara ilegal tadi tetapi atas nama orang lain, sementara pengelola yang bersangkutan memegang surat perjanjian yang isinya bahwa peralatan tersebut adalah gratis. Selain wawancara juga dilakukan observasi terutama memahami realitas ITC. Hasil observasi menunjukan bahwa sejumlah lokasi ITC ternyata ada yang menggunakan program “LINUX” dan ada pula yang menggunakan program “WINDOWS” karena masyarakat berpendapat bahwa program “LINUX” lebih sulit jika dibandingkan dengan program “WINDOWS”. Di lokasi observasi ternyata sebagian besar unit komputer dalam keadaan aktif, sedangkan sebagian kecil tidak aktif.

Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 1 Februari 2013


Hubungan Motivasi dan Pola Menonton dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pemirsa pada Program Berita Topik ANTV (Kasus Pemirsa di Komplek Perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, Tapos, Kota Depok)

Marwan Albab, Amiruddin Saleh





Television is most effective mass media to transfer information to audience than print media. Recently, people use television not only to get entertainment but also information. One of television programme that content more information and knowledge is news programme. ANTV become one option which can be a source of recent information and science for audiences.  Based on uses and gratification theory, the audiences were looked actively in using mass media to fulfill their need. It means that someone use mass media because of certain motive. Mass media application offer expectable satisfaction for audience. The audiences behavior in applying media continually will increase day after day, in which they get satisfaction. It called by pattern of watching. Therefore, this research examine relationship between motivation, pattern of watching and satisfactory rate of audiences on Topik ANTV news programme. This research was done by a quantitative survey using a desciptive correlational design. Respondent were audiences in Komplek Perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, Tapos Distric, Depok City, and it selected by proportional stratified random sampling technique. Data were processed by the Spearman correlation test with SPSS for windows version 18. Motivation and  pattern of watching shows option had a highly significant relation (p<0,01) with whole aspects of motivation for each them. Motivation with satisfaction shows option had significant relation (p<0,05) and the pattern with satisfaction shows option had highly significant relation (p<0,01).





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 1 Februari 2013


Hubungan Aktivitas Komunikasi dengan Tingkat Keberdayaan Kader Posdaya di Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor

Sigit Pamungkas, Amiruddin Saleh, Pudji Muljono





Posdaya is an integrated forum of friendship, communication, advocacy, and family empowerment. Posdaya focuses on four fields, namely education, health, entrepreneurship and environment. The study was administered using a descriptive correlational research survey design by scrutinizing communication activities and level of empowerment. The purposes of this study were: 1) to describe the communication activities of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 2) to describe the empowerment level of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 3) to analyze the individual characteristics and environmental factors associated with communication activities of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 4) to analyze the individual characteristics and environmental factors associated with the level of empowerment of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency;  and 5) to analyze the relationship between the communication activities and level of empowerment of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency. The samples of this study were 92 Posdaya cadres. The data was processed and analyzed using t-test samples and rank Spearman Correlation Formula. The results showed that: 1) there is a difference in terms of level of education, level of experience, level of income, access to media, and the role as companion between the cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 2) there is a difference on the use of communication media such as radio and television between the cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 3) there is a relation in terms of cognitive, affective and behavior aspects between interpersonal activities, mediated communication, and communication in groups and level of empowerment of Posdaya cadres.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 2 Juli 2013


Keterdedahan Dan Pemanfaatan Informasi Oleh Petani Sayuran

Syatir ., Djuara P. Lubis, Krishnarini Matindas





Agricultural development growns toward modern agriculture along with the development in science and technology in the field of agricultural technology and management, supported by fast development of communication technology. In current agricultural communities, information has become a significant part of their farming activities, because information actually plays a crucial role in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the farming process, supporting decision-making process, and triggering innovation. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe vegetable farmers’ exposure to sources of information; (2) to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of farmers and exposure to information sources; and (3) to learn the relationship between exposure to information sources and the utilization of information. The study was designed as a descriptive-correlational survey research and it was conducted in Tugu Selatan village, Cisarua subdistrict, Bogor regency. The data was collected by means of simple random sampling and the data analysis used Spearman rank. The research result  showed that the farmers got the most varied materials from extension officers and farmer groups. Meanwhile, the highest use of information was enlightening. There was a significant correlation between variables of age, experience, land area, and types of vegetables and several other variables such as exposure to information sources. Some variables of exposure to information sources were significantly correlated with the use of information.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 2 Juli 2013


Pengaruh Daya Tarik Iklan Televisi Cosmetik Wardah Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

Ilona V. Oisina Situmeang





Television is a media to advertise both products and services, through the advertising it is expected that the audience will be informed about the advertised product or service. To appeal the audiences, an advertisement needs to have certain persuasive input to audiences’ buying decision. There are several dimensions of advertisement magnetism including music (or commonly known as jingle), storyboard, copy or script, endorser, signature slogan, strapline or logo. As for the buying decision, the stages involved in are: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior. Research carried out by using a quantitative approach, the explanatory research in nature and survey research methods. The study population is guests of Muslimah Cibubur salon and Sari Tebet salon, amounting to 238 visitors in a week. Research samples are 112 visitors where visitors using Wardah Cosmetic.

Pretest trials were conducted on 30 samples obtained for test validity. All statements were declared valid because the result is above 0,361 and reliability tests revealed reliable because the Cronbach’s alpha values ​​were above 0.60. The correlation test obtained results of 0.607 which implies a strong correlation between advertising appeal with the purchasing decision. From linear regression test, result showed that R-square value was 0755, which means that Wardah Cosmetic television advertising has influential value to purchasing decisions as much as 75.5%. From the results of hypothesis testing known that t value was equal to 19,031 and the significance value was 0.00 or less than 0.05 (0.00 <0.05). In conclusion, there is certainly a significant influence of Wardah Cosmetic television advertising to the purchasing decision.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 2 Juli 2013


Pemaknaan Iklan Serial Rokok Djarum Super Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand de Sausure

Agustini ., Novando Andria Purwadi





The purpose of this research is knowing about meanings that contained in advert of cigarette Djarum Super “My Great Adventure Indonesia” version in television. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive that using qualitative method by approach semiotic analysis. The data of analyse from this research using “signifier” or connotation meaning, “signified” or denotation meaning and “signification” or both meanings. This advert of Djarum Super “My Great Adventure Indonesia” version is explaining if this advert want to show to public the characteristic that leading to positive things of that product, it also want to present if Indonesia is reach of nature potential, beauty of nature and varied of cultures.
Key words:advertmeaning, semiotica analysis, SCTV










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 11, Nomor 2 Juli 2013


Analisis Berita Pertanian Koran Kampus IPB Dari Perspektif Agenda Setting Theory (Kasus Mahasiswa SKPM 2009 dan AGH 2008)

Agus Sandra, Amiruddin Saleh





Agenda setting indicate a relationship between the media and the public in terms of determining whether a message is important or not. But, there are not real if the media haven’t strong influences. Analysis of agricultural news in IPB Campus Newspapers prove that the media hasn’t influenced IPB students to pay attention about the agricultural issue. The results of this study found the media assess the agriculture news is not important. That caused by the quantity was low compared to the other news, although their was put the agricultural news on front pages. The survey showed that the agricultural information was reported by IPB Campus Newspapers causses important by the public. That was known by asking the public to assess the level of news interest, rate the agricultural news, and also choose the agricultural news than the other news. This studi also showed that there was’nt real differences of students from two disciplines in assessing the public agenda of agricultural news in Campus Newspapers IPB, which inferential statistical analysis showed the results of T2Hotelling of 1,0782 (p>0.05).






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


An innovation of Agricultural Extension “Poloyode” As a Method of a Transactional Extension In Communication Of Local Cultural Based in Gorontalo Regency*)

Wawan K.Tolinggi, Lillyan Hadjaratie




An agricultural extension activity is one of methods for changing knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers.Therefore, the adoption of technology and sharing of knowledge between farmers and extension workers can occur in transactional basis. The objectives of this paper are 1) to identify the innovation of extension Poloyode and, 2) to determine the communication approach in Poloyode innovation in Gorontalo regency. Findings of this paper show that: 1) Innovation of Poloyode extension is an innovation in agricultural extension that based on the local culture of Gorontalo regency. Innovation of Poloyode extension has 5 main outreach activities on assisting farmers sourced from indigenous philosophy of Gorontalo such as  Tuwoto, Mongembito, Maduma, Doluhupa and Molinepo; 2) innovation of Poloyode extension is only implemented internally by BP4K and BP3K , not to involve other stakeholders in agriculture.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


Climate Communication on Improvement of Group Capacity

Eni Kardi Wiyati, Amiruddin Saleh, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Aida Vitayala S Hubeis




Group is one of medium  used by the change agents to improve farmers’ knowledge. The Ministry of Agriculture through the  Bureau of Human Resources Extension outreach groups to improve the welfare state of the poor in the province of Central Sulawesi. One of the efforts made to increase the capacity of the group to provide guidance to the group. Group formed tailored to the type of commodity that is owned by the community. The existence of the group is influenced by many factors, one of which is climate of group communication. Diff erences in the degree of group climate, is influenced by how the group reach a level of reaction that members of the group create process of communication, participation raises the warmth and friendship,  mutual trust, mutually acceptable, so that each member feels recognized and seriously satisfied to be in the group. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the group communication atmosphere in conjunction with effort to empower the group capacity. The Population are group members of READ (KR)  in Poso District in Central Sulawesi Province. The study was designed using survey research is description.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


Communication Behavior Based on Gender Reponsive in Primary School

Ernita Arif, Aida Vitayala S Hubeis, Basita Ginting Sugihen, Ninuk Purnaningsih, Amiruddin Saleh




In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still  differentiate between male and female students. If the  communication behavior of the teacher in the learning process is not gender responsive, it will affect the successful of the learning process. Gender responsive teacher communication behavior will improve the quality of learning. The objective of this research were to analyze the communication behavior of male and female teacher in urban and rural areas. The research was conducted in the city of Padang and Padang Pariaman District began in August to December 2013. Total sample of 200 people consisting of 100 male and 100 female  were scattered in cities and in villages.

Data analysis using  Spearman rank,  Chi Sguare correlation. The research results showed that verbal communication  behaviors that include snarl words, purr words, degrading words, confirmation, taboos and euphemisms including the high category is spoken by male and female the teacher in both  urban and rural, communication behavior nonverbal such as tone of voice, facial expression, eye contact, proximity, and the average time high.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


Discourse of Rural Development in Indonesia Local Media

Ika Yuliasari, Amiruddin Saleh, Musa Hubeis, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo




This article describes the existence of local media, discourse of media information dissemination, and implication of construction of reality in local media. Furthermore, this article contributes in study about top  down communication and bottom up communication in rural development, especially in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The change of development paradigm in the world has involved the communication development shift after 1970. The old model of communication development have been rising since the implementation of modernization in the third  world. With the pattern of trickle down effect, communication model have been designed as the linier communication process. Nowadays, we can learn about the phenomenon: development communication in globalization, human interaction as information society, roles of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), participation of grass root in
community development, and more. Because of that reasons the application of linier communication model does not  suitable for the communication system in rural development. Therefore the development communication have no relevance with another system in globalization era. Indonesia is a developing countries with many issues of rural development  such as the poverty, political intrigue, conflict of interest, disparity of wealthiness, and sovereignity. Huge amount of the rural community in Indonesia should be the consideration in development policies. Local society in Yogyakarta have strong cultural heritage. Information flow in communication development will be an important point of the communication effectiveness. The grass root people in local area need the right informations which are related with the struggle to reach sovereignity. According  to the social culture factor, many local media and community media did the construction of media news with local wisdom discourse.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


The Correlation of Community Development (CD) Program and Image of Company PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN-V) Recipients Help Education Sector at Pekanbaru

Anuar Rasyid, Fuad Muchlis




Study aimed to (1) analyze the relationship between the Community Development (CD) program and image of  PTPN V in the education sector beneficiaries in Pekanbaru;  (2) analyze the factors inhibiting and supporting the Community Development (CD) of PTPN-V. The first study  conducted  using quantitative methods  while  the second study  using qualitative methods. Results showed a strong correlation between Community Development (CD) program  and image  of  PTPN V in the education sector beneficiaries in Pekanbaru. Furthermore,  the  factors inhibiting the Community Development (CD) program that funds the education sector is relatively limited and should
be selected for the program beneficiaries.  The factor supporting the education sector  of  Community Development (CD) program  was  a  good cooperation between company and educational organizations beneficiary  of  education program of Community Development (CD).







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


Performance of The Member of Orchid Consortium Mailing List

Dyah Gandasari, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Basita Ginting, Djoko Susanto




Issues such as collective natural resource management, chain management and multi-functional agriculture requires
new forms of coordinated action and cooperation between farmers and other stakeholders. Orchid consortium is a new cooperation system developed as an attempt to synergize various drive components in the orchid floriculture development in Indonesia. The mailing list as one of the collaborative information and communication systems is built to share information among members of the orchid consortium. The research objectives are: (1) To identify communication interaction process of the current performance of the orchid consortium. (2) To identify in which stage of the current performance of the orchid consortium. The unit of analysis is messages in the consortium mailing list. This research resulted several outputs i.e: (1) Technical and organizational themes are the most widely discussed in the mailing list of orchid consortium, (2) Group members were still in the stage of knowing each other and exp lain ideas or still in the orientation phase.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 1 Februari 2014


Needs for Counselling in Communication of Family Planning Program in Decentralizatim Era in Purbalingga

Dyah Retna Puspita, Eri Wahyuningsih, Dwi Hapsari




This study examined the husbands’ perspective about family  planning counseling in Purbalingga District. Target of this study were 30 husbands who experienced gender role shifting. Data obtained through interview and focus group discussions. Results of this  research were: first, they initially had experience of gender role conflict; second, they never involved in family planning counseling whereas they need information about family harmony, reproductive
health, child development and other related issues.











Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Proses Komunikasi Pelaksanaan Program Satu Milyar Satu Kecamatan Di Provinsi Jambi

Siti Kurniasih, Djuara P Lubis, Basita Ginting




The aims of this research are to describe the communication process in Samisake program of provincial level up to the village level and to analyze the communication process in Samisake program at village level. This research was conducted in November-December 2013, to two districts, namely Muaro Sebo Ulu district and Jelutung district. Total of respondents were 65 people. Hypothesis test used Spearman Rank Correlation.
The results showed that the communication process in Samisake program from the province to the village was conducted by holding meetings of coordination between Regional and District. This meeting were led directly by the Governor.  Credibility
facilitator in Maro Sebo Ulu and Jelutung classified as high.  While respondent’s participation in Samisake Program at Maro Sebo Ulu and Jelutung  were high. Credibility facilitators are very significantly related with participation’s requirements. Based on t-test procedure, there was no significant differences between Maro Sebo Ulu anda Jelutung districts.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Komunikasi Partisipatif pada Sekolah Lapangan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SL-PTT)

Karmila Muchtar, Ninuk Purnaningsih, Djoko Susanto




Field School of Comprehensive Agriculture Land-Use Management (SL-PTT) is agricultural innovation system  mainly directed to improve production of rice applying bottom-up and participative communication approach of the farmers. The study aims to get descriptions on how participative communication can be applied on the SL-PTT program and to analyze decision making process by the farmers to adopt and utilize the technology of rice innovation in their land -use. The study was planned using survey descriptive correlation. The study was done on March-April 2014 covered 80 farmers as respondents
who involved in SL-PTT program. Data and hypothesis were analyzed and tested using multiple linear regression. The evidence showed that participative communication of the farmers toward SL-PTT program was considerable good although they are not in entire program steps. The steps of the PRA and field meeting, activation of farmers in dialogue session is grouped to low by 5% and 12,5%. While in the routine meeting and daily discussion, it is categorized as high, i.e 78,7% and 96,3% because the interaction of the extension worker  and the farmers is considerable active. The respect of the extension worker was also supporting. Almost all (91,25%) of the farmers applied all innovations, such as: using high qualified seeds, planting
system, using appropriate fertilizer and water irrigarion, controlling pests, harvest and past-harvest management. Factors which have significant effect on applying participative communication are: farmer’s characteristics, characteristics of the extension worker and forum of communication between the extension worker and the farmers.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Komunikasi Ritual Kanuri Blang sebagai Bentuk Kebersamaan Masyarakat Tani Kecamatan Samatiga Kabupaten Aceh Barat Propinsi Aceh

K.S. Maifianti, S. Sarwoprasodjo, D. Susanto




Kanuri blang an customs tradition of of farmer communities in Aceh for generations that may indirectly  improve the production of rice. The purpose of this study is to look at the communication rituals that occur in Kanuri blang among the farming community. The benefit is expected to help the instructor so that utilizes Kanuri blang as a place to inform the things that are important to farmers. To obtain maximum results with the study researchers used a qualitative approach and using ethnographic
methods of communication. Where data collection using direct observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs). Blang Kanuri is a place to gather, share, and participate together farming community. Kanuri blang conducted on an  annual entry of the growing season to be exact month of Muharram.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Pengaruh Transformasi Sistem E-Learning Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) Wikrama Di Kota Bogor

Iskandar Abubakar, Gina ., Cahyono T Wibowo




E-Learning is a learning process electronically and remotely can be done without face to face  interactions  informally  with  a simpler,  for example  by means of  mailing lists,  e-newsletters  or  personal  websites,  organizations  and  companies that  want to  socialize services,  programs,  knowledge  or  particular  skills  in  societies.This study  was to determine the  e-learning  teaching system,  determine the effect of  the transformation of  e-learning system  to  students,  and  students’  interest in learning  to know  the  e-learning system. This  research  using  quantitative methods  with a  sample of  60  students.  Data
collected through  questionnaires.  Analysis of  the data  using  product moment  The results showed  that the  learning  system  of e-learning  considered less  effective  as  face-to-face
communication  is still  used  only  used  to  provide  enrichment  and  test  materials.  Effect of the transformation of  the system  of e-learning  relatively new,  so it is still  weak  and  the students  themselves have not  understood  in depth.  Student interest  to  study e-learning systems  is still  low because  of e-learning is still  in the  introduction  stage.  Effect of  the transformation of e-learning system  on  student interest  is very  weak  because it  is still using the system dependence learn face to face with the teacher.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Aktivitas Komunikasi Organisasi dan Kinerja Pendamping dalam Program Gernas Kakao di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

Nurul Mukhlishah, Amiruddin Saleh, Dwi Sadono




Gernas  programs  utilize  partners  to  deliver  innovative  messages  and  informations  that  able to empower  the
farmers.  However, in the process of mentoring  it  is not  neglecting the competences of the are performance of the
partners.  One effort which can control the performance of the partners is through communication.  Communication serves as a main tool for success or failure organization in conjunction with the enviro nment duty. The objectives of this study is  to  analyze the correlation of organizational communication with the performance  of the partners.  This research was conducted at Polewali Mandar using survey method. The number of respondents were 33 people based on  census  method and using  correlational  analysis  to  process the results.  Results of the study  that the  frequency  of organizational  communication significantly  correlated to quality  of work, a  good  cooperation of the partners, and knowledge about job, and the level of use a communication channels significantly correlated  to quality and quantity of work, a good cooperation of the partners, and knowledge about job.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Analisis Efektivitas Musyawarah Perencanaanpembangunan

Ezi Hendri, Ninuk Purnaningsih, Amiruddin Saleh




Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) is a government program that aims for the community development
programs related to a region. The purpose of this study is to look at the effectiveness of Musrenbang forum on villagelevel (Musrenbangkel). This research was conducted in March to April 2014 in the Village Pabuaran, Cibinong subdistrict, Bogor regency with the total respondents were 51 people. The hypothesis was tested with Spearman rank correlation. Correlation coefficient results showed that the effectiveness Musrenbangkel forum  as
measured by three indicators, namely productivity, satisfaction, and morale is high. While gender relations, the characteristics of the group, guiding role and level of participation of group members is relatively good with moderate to very high category.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Participatory Communication Patterns on the Rural Agribusiness Development Program In Regency Bogor

Muh. Zainal. S, Djuara P. Lubis, Parlaungan A. Rangkuti




PUAP is a program of business funding provision in the form of a revolving fund for farmers by paying directly into the account of  a Farmers Group Unity (Gapoktan) which is assisted by the extension agent and the supervisor of Mitra Tani. This study resulted in the description of participatory communication pattern, analysis of the relation of members’ individual characteristics, extension agent credibility and Mitra Tani Supervisor to participatory communication pattern in PUAP as well as the analysis of the PUAP success and its relation to participatory communication pattern. The research was carried in the District of Ciampea using correlational descriptive survey method. The total of respondents was 71. Data were analyzed by Spearman’s rank test. The results showed that the participatory communication pattern of the extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor in PUAP was vertical. It is identified from the one way direction communication, misunderstanding content, and low frequency of communication found in the study. Credibility of extension agent in PUAP was high in the honesty aspect, moderate in expertise (quite expert), but low in attractiveness and familiarity. Credibility of Mitra Tani Supervisor was relatively low. The results of the study suggest that the improvement of communication skills of extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor was needed. Besides, the increasing of communication frequency with Gapoktan as well as recepients farmers of PUAP was needed to succeed the program.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Komunikasi Organisasi Dalam Pengembangan Kinerja Pengurus Gapoktan Pada Program Penguatan Lembaga Distribusi Pangan Masyarakat (Kasus Pada Gapoktan Di Kabupaten Subang Dan Kabupaten Bogor)

Deni.E. Kosasih, S. Sarwoprasodjo, D. Susanto




Gapoktan, stands for gabungan kelompok tani, farmers group union, is a farmer economical institution, consists of several farmer’s group have specific characteristics, that an effective organizational communication is needed. The creation of good organizational communication, communication climate Gapoktan expected to be better communication and communication satisfaction of Gapoktan’s committee members will be met, so Gapoktan more competitive and high performance.The objective of study  are: (1) to identify the characteristic of the Gapoktan’s committee members, (2) to analyze the communication climate, (3) to analyze the communication satisfaction, (4) to the relationship between oganizational communication of performance development of the Gapoktan’s committee members and communication climate; and correlationship between communication climate and communication satisfaction. The results showed that: (1) Gapoktan’s committee members are having productive; they have elementary school level of formal education; they have relatively high level of non formal education, (2) most of the Gapoktan have highly communication climate, (3) most of the Gapoktan committee members have highly satisfaction in communication, (4) there is higly significant correlation between oganizational communication of performance development of the Gapoktan’s committee members and communication climate; and there is higly significant correlation between communication climate and communication satisfaction.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 12, Nomor 2 Juli 2014


Internet Ussage and Agricultural Information Utilization by Agricultural Extension Staff in Bogor District

Novi Elian, Djuara P Lubis, Parlaungan A Rangkuti




The vast development of communication technology produces so many communication media that can be used to disseminate information. One of the communication media that can be used is cyberspace communication or internet media. Agricultural extension workers as those who act as diseminator supposedly able to utilize agricultural information communication technology development in carrying out their duties and functions. This study aims to description of internet usage by agricultural extension, analyze the factors affecting the level of internet usage, as well as analysis of the utilization of information and its relevance to the level of use by agricultural extension. The level of internet usage by respondents measured the frequency and duration of use is still low. Respondents use the internet less than three times a week and duration of less than three hours a day. Factors significantly correlated with the use of the Internet by agricultural extension is extension characteristics (age and availability of technology) and information needs of extension (information processing technology, marketing and climate). Utilization by agricultural extension information is stored for consumption in the form of private, shared with a fellow instructor for discussion, and distributed to farmers as extension material. More than half of the respondents utilize the information to be discussed to fellow instructor, the next disseminated to farmers and stored for personal.




Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 1 Februari 2015



Titien Yusnita, Amiruddin Saleh, Krishnarini Matindas




(The Effect of Visualisation and Caption Content in the Booklet of Liquid Organic Fertilizer Making toward The Improvement of Knowledge for Students in Bogor City)



Pendidikan lingkungan hidup diharapkan mampu mendorong pengetahuan dan kesadaran warga sekolah dalam upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup karena warga sekolah ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan sekolah menuju lingkungan yang sehat serta menghindari dampak lingkungan yang negatif. Shobeiri et al. (2013) menyatakan bahwa pendidikan lingkungan yang difokuskan pada siswa sekolah merupakan strategi jitu untuk melakukan intervensi pada tahap perkembangan dari kehidupan generasi muda untuk menjaga keberlanjutan kehidupan. Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah agar siswa berperan aktif di lingkungan sekitarnya dalam  mengurangi tumpukan sampah sisa makanan dari rumah tangga yang mencapai 68% dari tumpukan sampah di tempat pembuangan akhir/TPA (Pemkot Bogor 2012). Melalui media buklet berisi kombinasi perlakuan antara foto digital dan isi caption diharapkan mampu menyampaikan pesan tentang proses pembuatan pupuk organik cair . Isi caption yang menggunakan himbauan rasional dan himbauan emosional diharapkan mampu memberikan kesan yang mendalam bagi siswa dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang pengelolaan sampah organik di rumah.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 1 Februari 2015



Ahmad Aulia Arsyad, Pudji Muljono, Krishnarini Matindas




(The Influences of Shot Duration and Narration Tempo toward Information Absorption of Crystal Guava (Psidium guajava L.))



This research was conducted to analyze the influences of shot duration and narration tempo toward information absorption. Shot duration in this research is referred to the length (on seconds) of each shots on video after editing, so that the audience interested to watch and understand what is the video tell us about. This experimental research was conducted on 60 posdaya members which were randomly selected and divided into four treatment groups. Data was analyzed using Two-way analysis of varians. The result shows that shot duration has a significant influence on the absorption of information, while there is no significant differrence has been shown by narration tempo. Meanwhile, the combination of shot duration and narration tempo which has most influence on information absorption is fast shot duration with a slow narrative tempo, according to the average posttest score of four treatment groups.












Maharani Imran, Djuara P. Lubis, Basita Ginting




Perguruan tinggi membutuhkan komunikasi yang efektif dengan calon mahasiswa, yaitu dengan memberikan pelayanan kepada calon mahasiswa mengenai berbagai program studi, kegiatan, prospek kerja dan lain sebagainya untuk memotivasi calon mahasiswa agar tertarik dengan programnya. Dari tahun 2009 sampai dengan tahun 2013 di Universitas Islam “45” (Unisma) Bekasi terjadi kenaikan jumlah mahasiswa baru sebesar 71,48%. Saluran komunikasi yang digunakan oleh Unit Penerimaan Calon Mahasiswa (UPCM) di Unisma adalah: pesan lisan, spanduk, baliho, selebaran biaya kuliah, buklet, website, facebook, telepon, dan SMS Gateway. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan proses komunikasi di UPCM Unisma; menganalisis hubungan karakteristik individu dengan proses komunikasi; menganalisis hubungan proses komunikasi dengan kepuasan dan tindakan mahasiswa baru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama bulan Mei-Juli 2014 menggunakan pengambilan sampel kuota. Jumlah sampel adalah 210 mahasiswa baru. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pesan lisan dan selebaran biaya kuliah adalah saluran komunikasi yang paling banyak dipakai oleh mahasiswa baru, sedangkan yang paling sedikit adalah baliho dan SMS Gateway; buklet adalah saluran komunikasi yang paling berhubungan terhadap karakter individu; mayoritas mahasiswa baru puas dengan pelayanan penerimaan mahasiswa baru. Spanduk, baliho, selebaran biaya kuliah dan SMS Gateway adalah saluran komunikasi yang paling berhubungan terhadap kepuasan dan tindakan mahasiswa baru.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 1 Februari 2015


PERTANIAN DI KABUPATEN BOGOR ( Utilization of Cyber Extension as Information Media by Agricultural Counselor in the District of Bogor)

Abung Supama Wijaya, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Kudang Boro Seminar




This study aims to analyze the characteristics and relations of counselor, obstacle of media use, information seeking phases on Cyber Extension and Cyber Extension utilization. The information stages intended use the theory of information seeking, namely: starting, chaining, browsing, differenciating, monitoring, and extracting. This study is conducted to 61 counselors in the Regent/District of Bogor, originationg from three different BP3K. This study is a quantitative research utilizing questionnaires as the research  instrument and applying Spearman rank statistic test to analyze the relation between the characteristics of a counselor, the obstacle of media use for information seeking process, and Cyber Extension utilization. The study results state that the characteristics of a counselor has a definite relation with the information seeking phases on the age and motivation indicators. The obstacle of media use has a definite relation with the information seeking phase, and the information seeking phase in Cyber Extension has a definite and positive relation with the utilization of Cyber Extension.












Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 1 Februari 2015


PERSEPSI PEMBACA TENTANG BERITA PEMBANGUNAN DI SURAT KABAR RADAR BOGOR (The Readers’ Perception on The Development News in Radar Bogor Newspaper)

Gusmia Arianti, Amiruddin Saleh, Wahyu Budi Priatna





The existence of newspaper becomes one of the elements that can change the society’s role in development, especially in agriculture and rural areas. Radar Bogor is a local newspaper that becomes the reference of information sources forthe community of Bogor. The purposes of the study were to analyze the characteristics of the readers, factors of the characteristics of the readers that have a relationship with the readers’ perception and influence of the readers’ perception on the elements of the development news in Radar Bogor Newspaper toward their behavioral changes. The sample selection method used in the study was Multiple Stage Sampling. The samples included 99 readers. The data analysis was carried out using the descriptive correlational analysis and SEM. The readers’ perception on the elements of development news has an influence on the changes of the readers’ behavior. Differences of influence on cognitive and affective changes occur because of the way readers obtain the newspaper. Changes in cognitive aspect based on the readers’ perception on the elements of the development news in Radar Bogor Newspaper are relatively stronger than their affective changes.











Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 1 Februari 2015


Framing dalam Advokasi Media Isu Transparansi Anggaran oleh Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil Framing in Media Advocacy of Budget Transparency by Civil Society Organization

Agung Hawari Hadi, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Ivanovich Agusta





Civil society organizations deliver frames in a press release as a way of communication that voicing  ideology through media advocacy to approach policy makers or the public as well as to stimulate debate and construct a meaning. FITRA selected as research subject by considering their activeness in the media. This research puspose is to comprehend how FITRA consider Indonesia budget transparency issues and their Frame development process through press releases. The press releases colected from 2010 until 2014, analyzed using Bendford and Snow Framing concept: collective action frame. Result shows FITRA frames their press releases by raising unaccountable state budget planning, the welfare of lame, bad examples of leadership, budget politicization, poor government performance and  lack of budget transparency and public participation.  FITRA blames leadership, executive, legislative and political functions. Identification shows people and the country as victims. Solutions carried by FITRA are improved regulation, affirmative action and incentives, budget rationalization and relocation, improving state revenues and reduce the country’s debt, budgets monitoring and evaluation, transparency and public participation, PNS rationalization and improvement of the standard used for the state budget. FITRA’s Framing react to the government’s solution. FITRA also urge people to be critical to the budget policy and invites the public to participate in the budgeting process, especially the supervision of budgeting and realization.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Pengaruh Komunikasi Persuasif dalam Penyuluhan Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga terhadap Perubahan Sikap Para Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) di Kota Bogor

Maria Fitriah, Ike Atikah Ratnamulyani




The purposes of this research: (1) to analyse persuasive communication Bogor City Health Office in counseling Household Food Production Industry, (2) to analyse  change of attitude the Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) Bogor City, (3) designing persuasive communication to change attitudes the Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) Bogor City, (4) to analyse the effect of persuasive communication Bogor City Health Office to change attitudes the Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) Bogor City. This research conducting in Bogor City Health Office area on May 2015. Population of its research is around the Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) Bogor City community. Sample of research the pain according random sampling amount 30 respondens. Collecting data conducted by observation, questioner, interview, and documentation study. Data analyses by spearman correlation with SPSS program.

Based on research result, persuasive Communication in Extension Food Safety Household Industrial Production has good category, changes in the attitude of the domestic industry has a very good category, the influence of persuasive communication Bogor City Health Department to change the attitude of the Small and Medium Enterprises with a correlation value of 0.494 and interpretation of the correlation coefficient being, design of persuasive communication to change attitudes , namely the existence of elements that include credibility communicator, attractions, and power as well as the elements of a message that includes the concept and format of messages that cause a change in attitude.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Komunikasi Konflik Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perikanan Di Kawasan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa (Kasus: Desa Karimunjawa, Kecamatan Karimunjawa)

Titania Aulia, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Arif Satria




Differences of perception in the fisheries resources management in the area of  Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) is still perceived by all stakeholders, especially the Karimunjawa National Park Officer (KNPO) as authorities. As KNPO, attempts to communicate with the fishermen, even with using of communication media, such as notice boards, poster, leaflet, and implementation of the No Take Zone Campaign Program. Fishermen believe that the lack of information due to lack of communication, so KNPO regarded as enemies of fishermen. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception of fishermen on aspects of fisheries resources management, resulting in conflict due to differences in perception. This study has revealed that the social characteristics (age and experience of fisheries resources management) and trust of KNPO correlated to perception of fishermen in fisheries resources management aspects. The characteristics of fishermen who have different perceptions with KNPO were fishermen who lived near KNPO office, fishermen who did not participate in the activities of KNPO, young age, and fishing experience is still lacking.












Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Pemanfaatan Informasi Teknologi Mangga (Kasus Di Kecamatan Sedong Kabupaten Cirebon)

Junika Megawaty Pasaribu, Ninuk Purnaningsih, Retno Sri Hartati Mulyandari




Mango farmer need a technology to improve the production and the quality of mango. This study was aimed to analyse the factors related to the use of information by mango farmer, the relationship of farmer characteristics, level of information need, and level of information access with the use of information sources by the mango farmer, and to analyze the relationship between the use of information sources and the level of utilization of technology information by the mango farmer. A survey was conducted towards 65 farmers as respondents in Sedong Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency.The results showed that in the use of information sources of mango farmer, a few of information sources were used, the intensity of information access was low and the level of information appropriateness were low and very high. The influential factors towards the use of information sources were age, level of formal and non-formal education, scale of business, level of income, level of information need of cultivation, post-harvest, and marketing, and so level of easiness and affordability to access information. The level of utilization of information were very high to enhance the knowledge, very low to be applicated, and high to be forwarded to others. A very significant possitive correlation was found between the use of information sources and utilization of information.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Komunikasi Kelompok Di Kalangan Komuter

Siti Khadijah, Djuara P Lubis, Rilus A Kinseng




The speed of urban development, has caused a very heavy commuter. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the group members, with the process of communication and cohesiveness among commuters. The study was conducted to 86 members of the group in KA.Patas Purwakarta with quantitative methods using questionnaires as research instruments. Test analysis using Spearman rank statistic and chi Square to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the group members, with the communication process and individual attitudes towards cohesiveness among commuters. The study states that the age of negative relationship with the communication process. The older the age  of a member was, the lower the knowledge and the obedient of the group `s norm he had. Female  members  had a higher  involvement in the communication process of the group  than the male members. There was a negative  relationship  between the occupation and the  cohesiveness of the group. The better occupation they  had, the lower  degree of cohesiveness they showed. There was a significant relationship between the sex of members and their cohesivenessoutside the railway coach. Cohesiveness was found  having very significant relationship with the information access











Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Hubungan Penggunaan Sumber Informasi Kampanye Dan Partisipasi Politik Pada Kasus Pilpres 2014 Di Kecamatan Cibinong Bogor

Layung Paramesti Martha, Amiruddin Saleh, Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti




Indonesian presidential election campaigns had been held by the candidates and the campaign team respectively from June, 4th-July, 5th 2014. This study was aimed to know the extent of utilization of communication channels both mass media and social media (new media) as source of information, compared with interpersonal communication channel, and how the level of utilization of the information sources by voters during the political campaign influenced the level of political participation in Cibinong. This study had been conducted in September-Oktober 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong, Bogor Regency. A number of 200 people were chosen as respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed with Spearman’s Rank correlation test. Results showed that political participation in the engagement of campaigns as well as the surveillance were poor, while the participation in voting was quite good. In the variable of demographic characteristics, a negative significant correlation was found between political affiliation and the campaign engagement and so between the birthplace and voting engagement. On the contrary, the variable of age, income, and education had no correlation with all dimensions of the campaigns engagement. All dimensions of demographic characteristics including sex, birthplace, and environment had  a significant negative correlation with political participation. The indicator of sex and birthplace had a significant negative correlation with the amount of source of information use. The in dicator of birthplace also had a significant negative correlation with the frequent of accessing campaign sources of information. The utilization of campaign sources of information had a significant positive correlation with political participation in the dimension of the engagement in the campaign, voting, and surveillance for the election.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Kepuasan Siswa Sma (Peserta Program Kunjungan) Terhadap Kinerja Media Promosi Institut Pertanian Bogor

Rio Fatahillah Chita Putra, Pudji Muljono, Anna Fatchiya




Information has become one of the main needs of the community. Now, the trend of high school students in selecting agricultural major, has decreased. Promotion media of university is very important to improve the information, knowledge, and interests of students in selecting agricultural major in university. This study was conducted to know about the performance of promotion media of IPB. This study used a quantitative approach with survey research method. Data analysis methods used correlational descriptive and gratification discrepancy analysis (T-Test). Data collecting used questionnaire to 112 high school student who participants of “visit program”to IPB. The result shows there any differences of student gratification level toward presentation media, Facebook, and Twitter. Presentation media can use as main media in IPB promotion activity, because based on result of gratification discrepancy, the performances was good and significant. Presentation media can use as mainstream media promotion of IPB.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Layanan Pesan Pendek untuk Pembangunan Pertanian di Kabupaten Karawang

Haris Tri Wibowo, Djuara P Lubis, Resfa Fitri




Application of information and communication technology (ICTs)currently has integrated with agricultural development.  Information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as mobile phones have been used in rural development activities.  LISA is a groundbreaking program that aims to provide an integrated agricultural services include agricultural tips services, the interactive dialogue, and  iteration financial services based on mobile phone short message service. The main objective of this study to determine the effectiveness of LISA as agricultural information dissemination media based short message service role in agricultural development. The purposes of the study were 1) to analyze the exposure of LISA user; 2) to analyze the relationship between user characteristics and external factors against LISA’ exposure; 3) to analyze the relationship between LISA exposure against the effectiveness of communication; and 4) to analyze the relationship between interaction with other information sources against the effectiveness of communication.  The sample selection method used in the study was multiple stage sampling.  The sample included 100 LISA user in Karawang District. The data analysis was carried out using the descriptive correlational analysis and SEMpls.  The result showed that the land area cultivated respondent significantly affect LISA’ exposure. External factors do not significantly affect the LISA exposure.  LISA exposure significantly affect the effectiveness of communication. Interactions with other information sources does not significantly influence the effectiveness of communication.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 13, Nomor 2 Juli 2015


Komunikasi Pada Pelatihan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim (Program Pelatihan CDCCAA Di Kecamatan Panguragan Kabupaten Cirebon)

Afnida Shoffati Noorfajria, Djuara P Lubis, Resfa Fitri




Farmers have local wisdom passed down from generation to generation as a guide in farming activities. However, the existence of climate change makes them must be able to adapt to new agricultural patterns. They are required to know in advance the appropriate planting season in order to avoid crop failure later. Nonetheless, the farmers who are figure most susceptible to this problem are precisely not to have such knowledge. For these reasons the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) create a training program that is devoted to improving the adaptability of farmers in the face of climate change named CDCCAA (Capacity Development for Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Other Relevant Sectors). The present study was aimed to evaluate the factors that influence of the communications programs that are indicated by the farmers’ knowledge about climate change, the attitude of farmers facing climate change and the farmers tendency to act after the training. Based on the survey of 50 trainees in the Panguragan Subdistrict Cirebon Regency, and SEM analysis it is known that the individual characteristics significantly influence the communication process CDCCAA training program, and cosmopolity factors have also significant influence on the behavior of farmers against the risk of climate change. In addition, the communication process not significantly influence with attitudes to climate change risk, and assessment of training rogram not significantly influence with communication process also.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Analisis Jaringan Komunikasi Dalam Diseminasi Informasi Produksi Dan Pemasaran Jeruk Pamelo (Communication Network Analysis in Dissemination of Pummelo Fruits Production and Marketing Information)

Alfi Rahmawati, Pudji Muljono, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo




Pummelo farmers need production technology and marketing information to optimize their capability and agricultural productivity. Communication process to disseminate information about pummelo nursery, maintanance, and marketing between farmers and external stakeholder will build a communication network. The purpose of this study is to analyze communication structure in dissemination of pummelo nursery, maintanance, and marketing information; identified main actors in the networks; analyze correlation between farmer characterctics and communication network analysis, and correlation between communication network analysis with the effectiveness of information dissemination. The result of this study shows that extension worker are the main actor in dissemination
of pummelo nursery and maintanance information network, and whole seller is the main actor in dissemination of marketing information network. There’s no significantly correlation between farmers characteristics and communication network analysis in dissemination of pummelo nursery, maintanance, and marketing information, except cosmopolity variable and outdegree centrality in dissemination of pummelo maintanance information. In addition, there’s no significatly correlation between communication network analysis variables and effectiveness dissemination of information in production and marketing network.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Strategi Meningkatkan Kapasitas Penangkar Benih Padi Sawah (Oriza Sativa L) Dengan Optimalisasi Peran Kelompok Tanii

Amiruddin Saleh, Robinson Putra, Ninuk Purnaningsih




The role of seed farmers groups is vital in efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency. The role of seed farmers groups mainly as a production unit that provides needs of superior seed, and act as learning forum, partnership forum, and marketing units. The aim of this study was to: (1) analyze the relationship between the roles of farmer’s group and the capacity of farmer’s group for foundation seeds breeder in East Lampung District;  (2) formulate strategies to increase the breeder’s capacity by a way of optimizing the roles of farmer’s group. The study was conducted in East Lampung district seed farmers group with total sample of 59 farmers, seed breeders. The method of analysis was used Pearson’s correlation matrix. The results showed that: (1) in general, there were significant relationship (p≥0,05) between the roles of farmer’s group and the capacity of farmer’s group irrigated lowland rice breeder;  the roles of farmer’s group that was not significantly related to  innovation mastery and capacity of technology components application; the role as a production unit with the capacity of technology component application; and role of a marketing unit with the capacity of technology component application, yield orientation and forging partnership; (2) the strategy to increase the breeder’s capacity could be conducted through optimizing the role of the farmer’s group as a learning class, collaboration vessel, production unit and marketing unit.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Alternatif Media Pendidikan Politik Dalam Rangka Membangun Partisipasi Politik Pemuda Tani

Dea Christina JIS, STP, MAP, MAgr.Sc, Peinina Ireine Nindastu, SP, M.Si, Dr. Ir. Djuara P. Lubis, MS




This article discuss a strategy to increase farmer youth political participation through their involvement in some organization, such as community-based organization; farmer mass organization; and activity-based organization. However, it is believe another strategy that have not been used optimally for the purpose of gaining farmer youth political awareness and participation. It is the new media, which acknowledged as online/ social media. This media is usually used by farmer limited for their farming activities, either searching cultivation or market information. Whereas, this media has a lot of advantage that the conventional methods have not, such as its ability to reach people farther, short the time, and deal with socio-cultural lack in the community. Based on literature study, this media actually has a significant role in developing awareness and political participation of the youth, especially urban or metropolis youth. However, is it also influence the political behaviour of urban or farmer youth?













Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Penerapan Etika Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Mahasiswa Program Diploma IPB

Enden Darjatul Ulya, Amiruddin Saleh, Wahyu Budi PriatnaPenerapan Etika Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Mahasiswa Program Diploma Ipb




This study aimed to answer few questions regarding the research namely 1) to analyse the application of interpersonal communication ethics in students of Diploma Program at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB); 2) to analyse the relationship between the application of communication ethics with individual characteristics of Diploma Program students at Bogor Agricultual University; 3) to analyse the relationship between the application of interpersonal communication ethics with family characteristics of Diploma Program students at Bogor Agricultural University. The study was designed as an explanatory research to look for relationships or correlational; 4) to analyse the relationship between the level of knowledge and communication ethics information source. The research site was selected purposively, which is the Diploma Program Campus of Bogor Agricultural University with sample size of 197. Results showed that respondent individual characteristics were mostly female, from mixed ethnicity and Muslim. The sample was from 14 vocational programs in the Diploma Program of Bogor Agricultural University and currently studying in the third semester. The majority of the sample originated from urban areas, had mid-range allowance and a few were active in organisations. The family characteristics of respondents were from intact family with the parents having high level of education, the majority of fathers worked as entrepreneurs and the majority of mothers were stay-at-home mothers. The respondents had high level of family income. The respondents had low level of communication ethics knowledge and information sources about communication ethics were mostly from family. The application of respondents’ communication ethics was adequate. Through correlational analysis using Chi-square it is obtained that the application of communication ethics is correlated with the characteristics of respondents in the variable respondents’ residence of origin. Meanwhile, there is no correlation between communication ethics of respondents with the variable family characteristics, and no correlation between respondents’ communication ethics with the level of knowledge and communication ethics information source.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Membangun Kesadaran Berwarganegara Melalui Keterlibatan Mahasiswa Dalam Program Pembangunan

Miko Harjanti, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo




The purpose of this article is showing the roles of various parties in a program that involves students with the community.  The contradictory effects will appear on this activity. Society can reap the benefits, in contrary they could also bear the risk of loss. Awhile for the students, these programs allegedly will enrich democratic education as well as raising social awareness. Maximum benefits for both society and student will be obtained through participatory programs, precise potential identification, and appropriate program design according to the necessity of related communities. This activity will also be more synergic with collaboration with the government program.













Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Komunikasi Partisipatif Kelompok Sadar Wisata Dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

  1. Restama Gustar Hastosaptyadhan, Sumardjo ., Dwi Sadono




One of the uniqueness ancient volcano attractions in Gunung Kidul is located in the village of Nglanggeran which composed of old volcanic material, geologically very unique and high scientific value. Participatory communication has the principle of horizontal communication to encourage community participation through dialogue. Tourism Awareness Group Formation (Pokdarwis) begins with the dialogue process by young people who have a common vision in developing the natural potential Nglanggeran ancient volcano. The purposes of this study are: 1. Describe the participatory communication of Pokdarwis; 2. Analyze the relationship between individual characteristics, the credibility of the facilitator, the institutional support and participatory communication; and 3. Analyze the relationship between participatory communication of Pokdarwis and the management of Nglanggeran ancient volcano. This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study conclude that :1) Pokdarwis able to receive new information properly, higher knowledge, and highly motivated. Honesty, expertise, attractiveness and familiarity of facilitators able to support better tourism management. Capital, facilities and infrastructures have sufficiently enough to support tourist management activities; 2) There is significant and positive relationship between individual characteristics, facilitator’s credibility, institutional support and the participatory communication and 3) There is significant and positive relationship between tourism management and participatory communication.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Headline Politik Dan Politik Headline Pada Harian Fajar Dan Tribun Timur

Riza Darma Putra, Muhammad Zaenal, Titien Yusnita




RIZA DARMA PUTRA. Headline Headline Politics and Politics in the Daily Dawn and East Tribune (study of local politics and media relations in Makassar)


This study aims to determine (1) The reasons political news serve as a headline by Dawn and East Tribune, (2) Trends news headlines politics Dawn and East Tribune, (3) Policy editor of Dawn and East Tribune in determining headline politics and the latter view factor which affect the determination of the political headlines and political relationship with the local South Sulawesi. This study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. The author uses content analysis to see the trend of media while qualitative mengeskplor editorial policy and the factors that influence the political headlines. These results indicate reasons for choosing politics as headlines for news value but it is also due to demand by readers. Daily headline news tendency Dawn and Eastern Tribune is more directed to politics as an arena of power struggle. Factors affecting the determination of the political headlines are internal factors that editorial policy as well as in the specific context of capital owners. While external factors to the interests of the local political elite South Sulawesi.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Hubungan Peran Kelompok Tani Dengan Kapasitas Petani Penangkar Benih Padi Sawah (Oriza Sativa L) Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Robinson Putra, Amiruddin Saleh, Ninuk Purnaningsih




The aim of this research are to: (1) analyze the role of the seed farmers in East Lampung regency; (2) analyze the capacity ofseed farmers in East Lampung regency; (3) analyzing role of farmer groups’relation with the capacity of seed farmers for paddy rice sources in East Lampung regency. The study was conducted in East Lampung district seed farmers group with total sample of 59 farmers seed breeders. The method of analysis was used Pearson’s correlation matrix. The results showed that: (1) the role of the seed farmers group as partnership forum and marketing units is the most important with the higher category results than group’s role as learning forum and production units with the medium category; (2) the capacity of farmers in the seed production preparation and sustainability efforts was in the high category, while in the mastery of innovation, the application of technology components, and marketing orientation was in the medium category; (3) generally there is a significant corelation between the role of farmer groups with the capacity of breeder farmers with the exception relation of partnership forum, unit production and marketing unit with the application of technology components, and marketing unit with the marketing orientation and a partnership.











Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Media Sosial Dan Kebijakan Kapolri Mengenai ”Hate Speech” (Ujaran Kebencian)

Satria Kusuma, S.Sos., M.Si, Dr.Ir. Djuara P. Lubis, MS




The developments of information technologies affect the life of democracy in Indonesia. Information technology such as social media has caused social change. Social media should be a public space to establish relations and public information centers. The user submits a message to create a closer ties with the community and convey information about social problems. The public get information faster from social media rather than print media, radio and television. But there are some people who spread false news (hoaxes) or even attack the other party through hate speech. Such actions lead to defamation toward certain people then lead public opinion to worsen the socio-political situation, causing a split. The insult to the President by a citizen through a message on social media which continues to the proceedings reminds us to be more concerned about the ethical consideration of communication in public spaces. This issue should be a shared responsibility between the organizers and users of social media in order to maintain a cultured communication behavior and ethical understanding. The policy from the head of Indonesian Police regarding hate speech in social media is the firm stance of the government against violators who deliberately spread messages of hate, violate the values, norms, manners and ethics. The act of spreading the message of hate speech is against the law. Hate speech message ruins the conduciveness of social and political situation. This kind of violation could threaten the mentality of younger generations as users of social media in creating a civilized communication in Indonesia.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 1 Februari 2016


Peranan Opinion Leader Dalam Kelompok Nelayan Pesisir

Titien Yusnita, Sarwiti S Agung, Amiruddin Saleh




Fishing community is a part of Indonesian people which survives by managing fishery resources. As a society living in an offshore area, fishing community has unique social characteristics which differentiates it from land community. This study aimed to see the cause of poverty and  livelihood strategy of poor household as well as to design the community based-sustainable livelihood strategy. The literature study shows that prosperous coastal fishermen existed among poor coastal fishermen. They differed in social and economic condition. It happened because of the role of a coastal fishermen group which was capable of managing the fund got from government or another institutions. In this case the role of group leader as the opinion leader was very significant that established an effective communication.














Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Terpaan Iklan Televisi Dan Sikap Ibu Rumah Tangga Di Pedesaan Terhadap Makanan Olahan Pabrik

Amalia Dianah, Nurmala Katrina Panjaitan, Eko Sri Mulyani




TV food advertisements are designed to cultivate positive portrait of the food advertised. Married rural women have dominant role in providing food for family and more possibility to make TV as the main source of information about food. The study aimed to examine the exposure of TV advertisements about industrial processed food on married rural women, the attitude of married rural women towards industrial processed food, and to analyse relationship between the exposure of TV advertisements and the attitude towards industrial processed food. Based on a survey conducted on 104 married rural women with children,
who were TV audience and aged 20-60 in Curugbitung Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, it was known that TV food advertisements exposure of respondents were moderate (56%) and high (44%), while their attitude towards industrial processed food were positive (27%) and neutral (73%). A highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.254, p < 0.01) between TV food advertisements and attitude towards industrial processed food on respondents was revealed by Spearman’s rank test. The results implicated that food TV
advertisements were not respondents’ main source of information about food. Analysis of total food TV content and interpersonal information channel of married rural women would be necessary.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Sosialisasi Hukum, Keselamatan, Dan Keamanan Serta Keberadaan Anjungan Fasilitas Operasi Minyak Dan Gas Bumi (Kasus pada Nelayan di Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa Barat)

S.E. Friska Sirait, Nurmala Katrina Pandjaitan, Krishnarini Matindas




In case of oil and natural gas production, a restricted zone within 500-meter-wide around offshore platform was established. The restricted zone was established to protect all activities in the sea, including fishing. Socialization on law, safety, and security, and the existence of oil and gas operational facility platform has been held. Yet, it hasn’t stopped the fishers’ effort to do fishing in the restricted zone. Therefore, this study tries to analyze communication model in the socialization and components that affect communication as well as correlation among the factors that influence the effectiveness of communication and fishers’ obedience toward prohibition of entering the restricted zone. The study was conducted in one of the coastal villages in Karawang Regency, West Java. Data were collected by using questionnaire, which was supported by conducting qualitative method. The data, which were analyzed by rank Spearman Correlation Test. Results showed that communication model on socialization is not a convergent model but a linear and interactional model. There was a difference between a facilitator of socialization and fishing communities in terms of education level, social class, and language that becomes an obstacle for fishers to communicate. The message materials have not been complete yet, and there is no emotional and fear approaches
in the message content of socialization. The use of radio as a communication channel has been ineffective because most fishers do not have a radio. Experience as fishers is significantly related to the fishers’ obedience and their view is very significant to their obedience. Meanwhile, the age, educational level, use of fishing tools, attendance at faceto-face socialization, exposure on advertising spots in radio and posters at Fish Auction Site (TPI), and the frequency of communication among the fishers are not significantly related to fishers’ obedience toward the prohibition of entering the restricted zone.






Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Pola Penggunaan Televisi Untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi Dan Peningkatan Keterampilan Bagi Peternak Sapi Potong Di Bojonegoro

Gian Hendra, Amiruddin Saleh, Retno Sri Hartati Mulyandari




Breeding beef cattle is one of the agriculture sector which is very important in Indonesia. In fact the household consumption of beef can’t be fulfilled by the production in the country. The attention to the human resources which are
cattle ranchers have a vital role in the form of increasing knowledges and skills to advance the production of beef cattle. Television is one of a mass media that has potential to increase farmers’ knowledges like cultivation knowledge
and marketing knowledge in Ngantru Village, Bojonegoro District, East Java Province. The purpose of this research are 1) to analyze the characteristics, motives and patterns of breeder cattle in watching television, 2) to analyze the
relation between the motifs and patterns of breeder cattle watching television with the information needs of breeding beef cattle, 3) to analyze the relation between farmers beef cattle in watching the television with the fulfillment of
information needs of beef cattle breeding, and 4) to analyze the relation between the information needs of farmers skills in beef breeding. This study was designed as a survey research, with a quantitative approach supported by qualitative data with the number of respondents which are 50 people selected randomly. Analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistical with Chi-Square analysis test and Spearman Rank test. The results of this research is there is a real connection between the level’s of ownership of livestock with a duration of watching television. The entertainment motif has related with beef cattle farmers’ pattern in watching television, like the frequency and duration. The frequency of beef cattle farmers in watching television also related with entertainment needs.







Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Dilema Hubungan Patron-Client Di Komunitas Petani Garam (Studi Kasus di Gampong Cebrek, Kecamatan Simpang Tiga, Kabupaten Pidie, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam)

Ibnu Phonna Nurdin, Lala M. Kolopaking, Saharuddin .




Gampong Cebrek is the largest salt producer in Pidie district with a total of 1859.53 tons in the year 2013 of the total district production 3397.66 tons, 1763.93 tons in 2014 from the total district production 4020.25, rising to 2762.23 tons in the year 2015 from the total district production 7543.77 tons. Behind the high salt production, farmers are in a state sandwiched cultivate its business due to unfavorable weather and marketing of salt that does not favor them. Therefore, farmers are looking for patrons who can guarantee their lives. This study used a qualitative approach with a total of 10 informants. A research technique used observation and interview. Results showed members of the farming community in Cebrek be divided into two categories: a. Farmers Capital and b. farmers do not have the capital. Generally, farmers who own capital patron-client relationship with: mugee (middlemen), retailers and consumers.
Connection is established fairly balanced, so that it can be said patron-client collaborative interwoven. Meanwhile, farmers who do not have the capital, patron-client relationship with toke (middlemen). Patron-client relationships
more profitable patron, and hurt farmers salt. It can be concluded that the relationship is exploitative.










Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Framing Relokasi Dan Komunikasi Risiko Bencana Erupsi Gunung Merapi (Studi Kasus Desa Glagaharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Kabupaten Sleman, DIY)

Setyadi Y, Sarwoprasodjo S, Muljono P





Risk communication is physical and mental conditions that underlie the management of information in facing risks of a disaster. This study is aimed to describe risk communication strategies conducted by a community in Mount Merapi, a disaster-prone area. The study will also analyze the framing that underlies the community’s resistance towards government relocation policy. This research is expected to contribute to the development of appropriate risk communication strategies in disasters management, for both government and local communities. This Research uses qualitative methods and strengthen by quantitative data with purposive sampling. This study states that there are four framing elements underlying the peoples resistance. First, the relocation policy is considered to be disregardful of the peoples rights for proper settlement. Second, the justification of the matter is the government unjustness. Third, is more of a moral reason underlying the peoples resistance towards the policy which is an effort to retaining personal welfare and sustaining homeland. The fourth framing element, are recommendations for action, the people have decided to stay inthe village and improve preparedness and economic self-reliance. The decision to survive living in a disaster prone area is increasingly raising the peoples awareness of the importance of risk communicationin facing the threats of possible disasters.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Persepsi Masyarakat Pesisir Terhadap Kepemimpinan Perempuan Nelayan Di Pulau Pramuka Kepulauan Seribu

Ikhsan Fuady, Titien Yusnita



Profesi nelayan adalah profesi yang menuntut kekuatan fisik dan ketangguhan mental. Kehidupan nelayan
dalam mengolah sumber daya laut sangat tergantung pada kondisi alam yang tidak stabil. Oleh sebab itu, para isteri
nelayan yang lebih dikenal sebagai perempuan nelayan akan melakukan diversifikasi profesi sebagai strategi bertahan
hidup. Persepsi masyarakat tentang perempuan nelayan sangat menarik untuk diteliti, mengingat di Pulau Pramuka
Kepulauan Seribu, banyak perempuan nelayan dipercaya masyarakat untuk memegang jabatan RT (rukun tetangga)
dan untukmendapat julukan sebagai ‘penguasa daratan’.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat
pesisir terhadap kepemimpinan perempuan nelayan dan mengkaji pembagian tugas (division of labor) dalam rumah
tangga nelayan pesisir di Pulau Pramuka Kepulauan Seribu.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang menggunakan teknik
observasi dan wawancara dengan 25 orang nelayan perempuan dan suaminya yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan serta
kepala desa setempat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:(1)terjadi perubahan paradigma terhadap
kepemimpinan perempuan yaitu perempuan nelayan lebih dipercaya menjabat Ketua RT, (2)pendapat perempuan
sangat berpengaruh dalam mengambil keputusan di rumah maupun dalam kehidupan sosial, (3)pembagian tugas
(division of labor) dalam rumah tangga nelayan tidak berimbang dimana isteri mengambil alih porsi tanggungjawab
yang lebih besar dibandingkan suami mengingat para nelayan pria lebih lama berada di laut dibandingkan di darat.



Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Efektivitas Website Desa Malasari Dan Peran Internet Opinion Leader (Effectiveness of Malasari Village Website and Role of Internet Opinion Leader)

Siska Mulyawaty, Pudji Muljono, Kudang Boro Seminar




Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one solution to deliver information of governance and public services optimally to the village level. This research aimed to analyze website visitor characteristics, dimensions of website quality, role of internet opinion leader, and effectivenes of village website, also to analyze the correlation between three variables with effectiveness of village website. This study used correlational approach of quantitative. Data analysis used descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, also t-test analysis. Collecting data used a survey method by spreading e-questionnaire to 40 website visitors of two sample groups, active members of Facebook accounts Pewarta Desa Malasari and commenters on website. Based on the characteristics of website visitors, only indicator of monthly income and frequency of accessing website correlated significantly with effectiveness of village website. Information quality has strongest correlation with the effectiveness of village website, especially on the cognitive effects. The role of internet opinion leaders has no significant correlation with effectiveness of village website. Other findings showed that Facebook account of Pewarta DesaMalasari and Aji Panjalu acted as active internet opinion leaders. Village website can be effective as development information dissemination media by fullfil dimensions of website quality, and maximize the role of internet opinion leaders via social media. The use of social media has become important in supporting the existence of the village website, so it can do further research to see the relationship with the effectiveness of communication.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Kompetensi Komunikasi Pendamping Dan Kepuasan Petani Dalam Pelaksanaan Program Simantri (Communication Competence of Facilitator and Farmer Satisfaction on Simantri Programme)

Kadek Diah Pradnyani, Djuara P Lubis, Eko Sri Mulyani




This study aims to (1) describe communication competence of facilitator on Simantri programme, (2) describe the level of farmer satisfaction toward facilitator, (3) analyze the relationship of internal and external factors of
facilitator with their communication competence, and (4) analyze the relationship of facilitator communication competence with farmer satisfaction. It was a survey study and the unit of analysis was the outsourcing facilitator of
Simantri programme. The respondents were 30 facilitators and 150 farmers of Simantri in Klungkung and Jembrana Regency. The methods of collecting data were questionnaire and interview. The data analyzing technique used
descriptive analyzing, Rank Spearman, and Mann-Whitney assisted by SPSS 22.0. The result indicated (1) the level of communication competence of facilitators in Klungkung and Jembrana are generally high (based on self-report and receiver-report); (2) the level of farmers satisfaction are high; (3) internal factor of facilitator has significant correlations with their communication competence and external factor of facilitator (the number of training) has
significant correlations with their communication competence; (4) almost all indicators on facilitator communication competence has significant correlations with farmer satisfaction.









Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Analisis Pengaruh Komunikasi Organisasi Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Humas Dan Protokol Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Paser

Yuli Rahmadhani, Abubakar Iskandar




Success or failure depends on the goals of the organization Public Relations employee performance. Initial observation showed that the performance of employees still lower. Because the purpose of this research is (1) Want to know the organization’s communication to the discipline of work, (2) Describe the influence of organizational culture on work discipline, (3) to analyze the influence of organizational communication and organizational culture simultaneously to labor discipline, (4) Want to know the effect of organizational communication on performance, (5) to analyze the influence of organizational culture on performance, (6) to analyze the influence of organizational communication and organizational culture simultaneously on performance, and (7) Want to know the discipline of work on performance. The method used is quantitative and qualitative, while the location of the research is part of Public Relations and Protocol Meanwhile time study for six months .. sample was 35 people. The data collection technique is a literature study, observation, interviews, questionnaires. Data were analyzed through path analysis and content analysis. Research shows that the effect on the organization’s communications work discipline by 0,024. The influence of organizational culture on work discipline at: 0,974. The influence of organizational communication and organizational culture on work discipline influence the organization’s communication of 0,000 on the performance of 0,885, the influence of organizational culture on performance of 0,740. The influence of organizational communication and organizational culture obtained F value of 55 400 with a significance level of 0.000. Work Discipline influence on the performance of statistical calculations based on the total effect on the Performance Work Discipline variable through variable Organizational Communication and Cultural Organization that is equal to -107%. These values indicate that the Work Discipline can negatively affect employee performance. Work discipline employees not as expected so do not improve employee performance optimal.





Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Efektivitas Komunikasi Kepemimpinan Transformasional Ketua RT Terhadap Partisipasi Warga Di Kabupaten Bogor (Communication Effectiveness Transformational Leadership Head of the Neighbourhood Community Against Citizens Participation in Kabupaten Bogor)

Naila Vellayati, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Cahyono Tri Wibowo




The importance of communication development can help people or parties involved in the development to stay on its tracks and create independence. The aim of this study consists of 1) Analyzing the relationship credibility of Women and Men Head of the Neighbourhood Community 2) Analyzing the relationship between the meeting intensity of the Women and Men Head of the Neighbourhood Community 3) To analyze the relationship of transformational leadership. The unit of analysis in this study comprises of 38 Women and Men Head of the Neighbourhood Community. The location was chosen deliberately, namely the District Dramaga. Parung and Ciomas. The sampling technique used was sensus and quota sampling by Spearman correlation using different tests
to see the differences between Women and Men Head of the Neigbourhood Community. Women Head of the Neighbourhood Community shows significant relationships in the credibility, the intensity of the meeting, and transformational leadership. Head of the Neighbourhood Community Men related real on transformational leadership. It said that women and men do not differ regarding the actual transformational leadership related to the level of participation. It happens because when meeting citizens given the opportunity to provide opinions, advice, ideas and information, and if the activities carried out concerning the interests of the shared environment and a sense of solidarity among citizens.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Pengaruh Penyajian Visual Dan Gaya Bahasa Pada Video Tentang Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Garut Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan

Testa Pradia Nirwana, Amiruddin Saleh, Krishnarini Matindas




Tourism is one of sectors that is much enthused by the world community, this demand has increased annually. Garut is one of the districts in West Java which is interested by tourists. Furthermore, the promotion for the tourism product roles the prominent for the development of communities and regions. The promotion can use media of video through social media. This media is used to provide an illustration and the knowledge of tourism, and convince young travelers to visit the tourist attraction which is offered. The purpose of this study involves 1) to test the effect of visual presentation and style of language through video in increasing students’ knowledge, 2) to analyze the most effective message combination on the media of video about tourism in Garut regency, 3) to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics with improvement knowledge of students. This study employed true experimental methods with 2 x 2 factorial design by using pretest posttest control group design. Dealing with this, factors are used in the visual presentation consists of photos and infographics, and the language style consists of formal and conversational forms. The subjects participating in this study are 75 students of Bogor Agricultural University. The result of this study confirms that the visual presentation and the language style through video have significant influence on the increase of knowledge. The whole combination of treatment is not significantly different from the improvement of knowledge, and the individual characteristics are not significantly related to the improvement knowledge.








Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Volume 14, Nomor 2 Juli 2016


Komunikasi Gender Dan Hubungannya Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Gender Communication Related Employees Job Satisfaction)

Putri Asih Sulistiyo, Aida Vitayala Hubeis, Krishnarini Matindas




Harding and Hills’s standpoint theory said that human perspectives are shaped by their social and political experiences. Gender is a social construction that acquired through interaction and changes over times. Based on that theory, this study used to analyze are the rapid increased of woman labour, gender equity
movement in economic development, may affect the the traditional view about how women and men should act and communicate, and established the new meaning of masculinity and feminity in workplace area. The conclusion showed that gender inequity still exist toward women. Women’s job position and the level of gender communication based on dimensional stereotype, discrimination, subordination, and sexual harassment are worse than men, but yet women showed no complains and reported the same level of job satisfaction compared men.










FEMA IPB Terima Kunker Pemda Kabupaten Pali Rangka Implementasi DDP
Tindaklanjuti Program DDP di Kolut, Dinas PMD : Tahun Ini 119 Desa di 14 Kecamatan akan segera dieksekusi
Wujudkan percepatan pembangunan provinsi kalimantan timur, FEMA IPB University dan Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pemerintahan Desa Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Tekan penandatangan kerjasama Terkait Data Desa Presisi
Galeri Innovasi FEMA


Fakultas Ekologi Manusia-IPB University